From Abba to Ziggy Stardust : Connecting to Shrink the Audio Universe

by Lauren Rubin

Personal music libraries are like fingerprints. Each is unique and fascinating in it’s own special way. Some are more refined around the edges, and others just down right awful.  Think you have nothing in common with your grandma’s taste in toe tapping tunes?  Or maybe you are looking to find the missing link between your 12 year old, bubble gum pop infested past, and your current romance with the latest Best Coast record?  What really is the correlation between Wu Tang Clan and Justin Bieber? Are the Spice Girls and Bratmobile sisters from other radio transistors?

Well kiddos, there is a new web app surfing all over the internets to quench the thirst of audiophiles big and small for the ultimate in genre bending musical knowledge. Six Degrees of Black Sabbath– is an engaging little apparatus that indulges viewers to find the relationship between two musical artists of your choice, and connects them based on interlocking links from artist to artist. It’s more or less like a stereo friendly version of the schoolyard game “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon”, referring to the idea that everyone in the world is connected to each other through no more than six middle persons.

 To secure connections between artists the MusicBrainz database that is used to store the information on the artists, recovers over 130,000 plus connections from any artist at any given time. An example of this would be the database using connections such as band member, parent, sibling, married ,involved with and let’s not forget collaborator. Put any two of your most beloved (or hated!) bands into the application and watch the fun unfold before your very eyes. You may find that they are more parallel than your own ears!

 Vintage Spice Girls Group Photo


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