Tarotscopes: Spring Horoscopes Inspired By The Tarot

by Sarah Potter


Eight of Wands Reversed

Feb. 19 to March 20

Trust the process, Pisces. Are you being unreasonable when setting timelines and understanding your energetic capacity? Good things take time, and it’s unrealistic to expect yourself to be productive 24-7. You aren’t stuck—you’re a multidimensional human being living an earthly experience. Part of staying inspired is allowing yourself to take breaks for rest! 


Knight of Cups Reversed

March 21 to April 19

Make a move, Aries. It’s lovely to dream of what could be if you follow your creative tendencies, but lately it feels like you’ve spent more time in your imagination and less time formulating an actual plan here on Earth. Stop procrastinating and take actual steps to turn your fantasies into reality! Don’t be afraid to express your full potential. 


King of Pentacles

April 20 to May 20

Good things come to those who wait, Taurus. A slow and steady approach is necessary right now to make your dreams come true and get what you desire. We may want everything yesterday but be patient because this is how we create long-lasting success! Your hard work is paying off: Honor the small wins and notice your progress to stay motivated. 


Two of Pentacles

May 21 to June 20

Cultivate a sense of balance, Gemini. You can do it all, but maybe not all at once. Use your energy wisely as you pick and choose what future obligations to commit to. Do you really need to take on something else? Is there something you can let go of? Reassess your priorities and make your decisions free of justifications to anyone else. 


The Lovers Reversed

June 21 to July 22

It’s unavoidable, Cancer. Some decisions are difficult, but procrastinating only makes them feel more formidable than necessary. Being able to make a choice means that you hold the power. This is good! If you’re overwhelmed, focus on which option feels right in your heart. If it aligns with your ultimate desires, goals, and values, then you can’t go wrong. 


The Hanged Man Reversed

July 23 to Aug. 22

Take a step back, Leo. If you’re too immersed in your current situation, it’s difficult to gain a clear view. You may not know your next move, but this is an opportunity for a refreshing reassessment. Let go of previous expectations to approach this moment from a different angle. This vantage point may reveal something crucial that was previously missed. 


Wheel of Fortune

Aug. 23 to Sept. 22

Change is good, Virgo. Life would feel so boring if every situation remained stagnant and frozen in time. Consider what needs to evolve in your current situation and embrace the growth that is about to transpire. The unknown of what’s next can be scary, but it’s such a blessing that everything has the potential to transform into something else. 


Five of Pentacles

Sept. 23 to Oct. 22

Learn from your mistakes, Libra. It’s tempting to slip into old patterns and make choices that feel familiar, even if the old ways no longer serve you. If you know something doesn’t work, why repeat it? Your experiences, especially the painful ones, have shown you that something else is possible. Take a different route this time and see what happens. 


The Star

Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

Focus on the positive, Scorpio. Despite recent hardships and epic disappointments, your circumstances are beginning to change dramatically. Keep your head up and continue moving through it. There is so much to look forward to on the horizon! When you need an extra motivation, consciously notice all that is going well instead of what hasn’t yet transpired. 


Nine of Pentacles

Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

Indulge in the finer things, Sagittarius. You don’t have to make it so difficult for yourself! Everything feels better if you invest a little extra time and effort into the details. Upgrades aren’t frivolous, they’re necessary. You deserve this. Treat yourself, even if it’s just a small indulgence. A little luxury can make all the difference in how you feel. 



Dec. 22 to Jan. 19

It’s never too late to start again, Capricorn. If something in your life feels misaligned or like the wrong path, there is no moment like the present to make a change. Shift your perspective and set your sights on transforming. Time is on your side! Your life could look quite different in a year’s time, but you must make the first move now. 


The Magician Reversed

Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

Boost your confidence, Aquarius. Past mistakes can create seeds of doubt that threaten your next endeavor before it’s had the opportunity to really begin. Let go of that uncertainty because you aren’t who you once were, and you’ve had many valuable learning experiences since then. Put that wisdom to use! Believe in yourself; you know more than you think you do.

Featured deck: We’Moon Tarot, © Mother Tongue Ink, 2022, wemoon.ws

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