Tarotscopes, Your Tarot-Inspired Horoscopes For the Fall

by Sarah Potter

Virgo: Page of Swords Reversed

August 23 – September 22

Virgo, you might be in an impulsive mood, but resist that urge. There has been a lot of “hurry up and wait” lately, but rest assured, the news you have been hoping for will arrive soon enough! In the meantime, don’t rush into anything or act hastily as a poor attempt to create a little momentum. Honestly, it will only lead to an unnecessary mess so save yourself the hassle and redirect that energy into something more pleasurable or constructive.

Libra: Queen of Swords

September 23 – October 22

Speak your mind, Libra. No one knows what you need better than you so do everyone a favor and communicate clearly when it comes to your desires and expectations. Words have power so use yours—when you’re as direct as possible, there’s no room for error! You might be pleasantly surprised at the results of asking for what you want.

Scorpio: Nine of Swords

October 23 – November 21

Let it go, Scorpio. You might be pondering the questions, “Where did everything go wrong?” But, does it really matter? Don’t pry doors that need to stay closed open. Self-care is the best care in times like this.

Sagittarius: Six of Swords

November 22 – December 21

Moving on, Sagittarius. There is so much to look forward to in the near future, but in order to take the trip to get to where you’re going, you must leave something behind. Yes, the unfortunate truth is you can’t take everything with you, but this is an opportunity to shed what you’ve outgrown. Let it go in order to create space for all of the new memories you are about to create.

Capricorn: Temperance Reversed

December 22 – January 19

Let it be undefined, Capricorn. Situations are rarely so black and white, and at this point in time, it would be best for you to seek comfort in the gray areas. Instead of taking a view that everything must be this way or that way, what if it could be both ways? Expand your vision as well as your way of thinking so these circumstances can become far easier to navigate.

Aquarius: The Sun

January 20 – February 18

Express your gratitude, Aquarius. Take a look around at your current situation and notice how much you have accomplished. Remember when all of this was just a fantasy? You have made so many dreams a reality, but sometimes it’s hard to see the progress when you’re constantly moving forward. You did this, you did all of this, and there is so much to be thankful for on your journey.

Pisces: Queen of Wands Reversed

February 19 – March 20

Bask in the glow of the spotlight, Pisces! You have so many opportunities to shine in technicolor right now so be sure to take full advantage of everything being offered to you. Something that brings more visibility your way by highlighting your true talents and radiance should be fully embraced, even if it feels a little intimidating. You will not mess this up, this was meant for you!

Aries: Four of Swords Reversed

March 21 – April 19

Take a break, Aries. You have been on the move at a rather fast pace lately, but this is your cosmic sign to slow down and relax a bit more. When was the last time you had a little vacation or even more than a moment to yourself? Rest is the key to clarity and inspiration, two things you are in desperate need of right now.

Taurus: Eight of Swords Reversed

April 20 – May 20

Don’t hold yourself back, Taurus. The only one getting in your way right now is you, so let’s step back from this current situation and expand upon your own limitations. Instead of telling yourself that you can’t, focus on how much you can do! If you choose to define yourself and your abilities differently, nothing can hold you back from making something that initially felt impossible your dreamy new reality.

Gemini: Knight of Cups Reversed

May 21 – June 20

Make your dreams a reality, Gemini. It’s lovely to get caught up in your fantasies and imagine the possibilities of what could be, but you might have spent a little too much time in the ethereal realm of your ideas, and not enough time activating your great plans! Consider this your reality check and start focusing on the logistics.

Cancer: Queen of Pentacles Reversed

June 21 – July 22

Take care of yourself, Cancer. It may feel like everyone needs your help right now, and for good reason. You’re reliable, understanding, and nurturing towards your inner circle, but when was the last time you showed the same care for yourself? It’s honestly incredible how much one can do when running on fumes, but is it sustainable? Honor your own needs first before rescuing others.

Leo: Ten of Swords Reversed

July 23 – August 22

Change is good, Leo. But even when a transformation is for our own benefit, it may still be challenging, confusing, and yes, even painful. Endings aren’t easy but they are necessary for our growth. Don’t resist these transitions, and don’t try to make fetch happen, either. Instead, lean in and go with the flow, while being extra kind to yourself during this transition. This, too, shall pass.


Images: Gentlethrills.com

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