Tarotscopes, Your Tarot-Inspired Horoscopes For the Winter

by Sarah Potter

Sagittarius: Nine of Swords Reversed

Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

Let go of the worst-case scenario, Sagittarius. It may not be as bad as you think it is, but if you never take a chance on yourself and your abilities, you will never know what could happen! Don’t let self-doubt, fears of failure, or even past cases of disappointment keep you from going after something you really want. Remember that you have already accomplished so much, and you will continue to do more.

Capricorn: The Tower

Dec. 22 to Jan. 19

Shake things up, Capricorn. It’s time for some major changes, especially the ones you know you need to make but you have been putting off for any number of reasons. Let’s be real here: It’s scary to dive into the unknown, but it’s far worse to never even try for something you have really wanted for so long. This could be even better than you had hoped it would be.

Aquarius: The Devil

Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

Invoke a lust for life, Aquarius! Has everything gotten a little stale or utterly boring? Have you lost your spark? How dreadful! It’s time to change that by seeking out more technicolor inspiration with a shift of perspective. Your goal right now is to inject more excitement into the mundane moments. Remember that you don’t have to do these things, you get to do them—so release your inhibitions and spice up your life!

Pisces: Two of Swords

Feb. 19 to March 20

Trust yourself, Pisces. It’s time to face the music and make some rather important decisions right now because pretending that this moment isn’t happening is not going to make it go away! It’s actually rather powerful to have choices and the agency to make them. Have faith in your intuition and know that you have the clarity as well as all the information needed to move forward confidently with your resolutions.

Aries: Ace of Cups Reversed

March 21 to April 19

Take care of yourself, Aries. Enough with everyone else’s needs and concerns; it’s time to focus on you and your own well-being. The reality is that you simply cannot be everything to everyone all the time, especially when you’re feeling run down or on the verge of total burnout. Replenish your energy and set yourself up for success by pulling back and tending to your own needs for once.

Taurus: Page of Cups

April 20 to May 20

Indulge your imagination, Taurus. The best antidote to your recent bout of boredom and lack of inspiration is simply giving yourself the time to daydream. Even adults need space to feel playful and fantasize about the possibilities of what could be! Prioritize more free time to just be curious and everything will start to make sense again, because productivity is never gone forever but sometimes it needs to take a hiatus. 

Gemini: Two of Pentacles

May 21 to June 20

Go with the flow, Gemini. Even with the best of intentions and the most well-thought-out plans, something unexpected could come up and threaten to shift the course of where you thought you were headed. This might not be a bad thing, though! Instead of losing your cool, remain flexible and think of this as an opportunity to go where the wind takes you. Who knows? This new destination could be even better than your initial route.

Cancer: Three of Wands Reversed

June 21 to July 22

What are you waiting for, Cancer? Don’t put off going after something you have always wanted any longer. This is your moment to make a big change! Let’s be honest, it’s not going to get any easier with the passing of time, so give yourself permission to expand what you previously thought possible and finally put your greatest plans into action. The real magic happens when you step beyond your comfort zone.

Leo: Nine of Pentacles Reversed

July 23 to Aug. 22

There is more to life than work, Leo. You have created so much to be proud of, but when was the last time you let yourself enjoy any of it? Life is meant to be lived and experienced fully, which means you must tear yourself away from all your professional and personal obligations sometimes in order to just have some frivolous fun. Spend more time making memories with the people you love.

Virgo: Six of Cups

Aug. 23 to Sept. 22

Lighten up, Virgo. There’s a time and a place to be serious, but the key to your happiness right now is to be able to discern when something doesn’t need to be so rigid or such a big deal. When you choose to take an optimistic perspective, it makes everything feel so much easier to handle, and even more enjoyable as well. Life should have space for fun, so take it easy.

Libra: The High Priestess Reversed

Sept. 23 to Oct. 22

Slow down, Libra! Life has been filled with an abundance of obligations, leaving very little personal time just for you. Instead of trying to meet everyone else’s expectations by being everywhere all at once and doing what you think you should do, what if you did less people-pleasing and more of what you actually want to do? Spend a little more time alone in order to connect with your inner wisdom. 

Scorpio: Temperance

Oct. 23 to Nov. 21

Get comfortable in the in-between, Scorpio. Maybe this period of time doesn’t need to be so clearly defined by this or that. Maybe it could be both or even neither at all. Sometimes life doesn’t need to make sense, and it’s totally fine to just not know the answer yet because the story is still unfolding. Be patient and trust that all will be revealed without the need to force a conclusion.


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