Attention, NYC-dwelling BUSTies! Candacy A. Taylor, author of Counter Culture: The American Coffee Shop Waitress, will be on hand next week to sign copies of her book. She’ll be popping into Bluestockings Bookstore on Friday, October 30 at 9 PM, and we hear there will be pie!
Taylor’s book focuses on women age 50 and older who have worked as diner waitresses for most of their lives, and features tons of awesome photographs. You can see a few of them in a July piece from The New Yorker.
If you’re not in the NYC area, Taylor also has a few more dates coming up on the East Coast — check out her website for details.
Candacy A. Taylor Book Signing
Friday, October 30, 9 PM
Bluestockings Bookstore
172 Allen St. (between Stanton and Rivington)
New York, NY
photo courtesy The New Yorker