Bonnaroo: More Music, Less Plastic!

by Web Intern

Headed to Bonnaroo? If so, you’re probably thinking about the music more than the water you’ll be drinking, but trust us, once you get there and that hot Tennessee sun is beating down on your noggin (hope you remembered sunscreen!), you’ll be grateful for any drop of H2O you can slurp. Lucky for you, BUST has the inside scoop on how you quench your thirst for FREE (girl, you know how expensive bottled water can get at concerts) and help the environment.

Stanley (the company that makes those iconic stainless steel thermoses and water bottles) has teamed up with Bonnaroo to create the Less-Bottled Water Program , aimed at reducing waste and raising awareness of worldwide water issues. Here’s how it works: Everyone at Bonnaroo can get free acqua from fresh, filtered spouts at stations throughout the festival. To go the extra mile, buy this limited edition Bonnaroo/Stanley ‘nineteen 13’ water bottle online or at Bonnaroo for $22 ($1 from each purchase goes to the Global Water Challenge; the rest helps support the free water program) and bring it with you. Getting water at no charge is not dependent on purchasing the bottle, but it sure looks cool–as you can see from this picture of little ol’ me modeling it here at BUST–and provides a handy-dandy container for filling up at the aforementioned water stations.

In case you need even more reasons to get with the program, here are some facts, courtesy of Stanley:

Bottled water
-ends up as garbage 90 percent of the time.
-uses 2,000 times more energy than water.
-is 1,000 times more expensive than tap water.
-requires 50,000,000 barrels of oil per year.
-requires enough fuel to power more than 3,000,000 vehicles a year.
-takes 1,000 years to biodegrade.

Also, throughout the four days of Bonnaroo, ONE person’s use of a reusable water bottle instead of disposables saves 24 disposables from being used (and ultimately discarded). Considering that Bonnaroo attracts thousands of revelers and that last year’s festival saw 600,00 plastic water bottles recycled, that’s a crapload of waste reduced.–Jax

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