Totally Rad Rapper Eaves Dedicates New Track to Pussy Riot

by Katie Fustich

“We Gonna Take It,” the latest track from crazy-cool F.O.B. (Friend of BUST) Eaves, is going to be my jam for a looong time. Eaves says the track is “Dedicated to my sisters in pussy riot who remain unjustly incarcerated. #freepussyriot.”

Three members of Pussy Riot, a Russian punk band, have been imprisoned for months and continue to face oppressive conditions. Most recently, one member, after a disappearance, has been transferred to a Siberian Gulag.

Eaves’ track, with its thumping chorus and political drive, is reminiscent of M.I.A., but Eaves completely holds her own with a distinct voice and message. Get it girl! And #FREEPUSSYRIOT!



Thanks to Eaves

Image via Eaves

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