The Heat Will Make You Do Crazy Things

by Erin Wengrovius

Poor MIA, everyone on the interwebs seems to be bashing her performance last Saturday during the Hard NYC Fest on Governors Island. Read here and here. What went wrong? I’ll tell you what went wrong…two words: Heat Exhaustion. I was one of the thousands that day who left before she sang her second song… but I didn’t think she was all that bad. I actually liked her performance from what little I heard, not the best in the world, if I didn’t have a pounding headache and nausea from drinking too much lemonade and not enough water under the sun’s death rays I would of stayed. I can only imagine while enjoying her amazing opening acts MIA too fried her brain in the hot unforgiving heat.

We got there at 5:00 pm on the hottest day of the summer 94 degrees but felt like 103. Before MIA performed I got to see:

Rye Rye super amazing love your back up dancers!


Sleigh bells super amazing but I think I prefer them in a smaller venue.


But the winners of the night, the ones who stole the show was Die Antwoord, never heard of them? Well look them up or wait for the Oct/Nov issue of BUST Magazine were you can read all about them. This South African rap duo seem like a parody with their over-the-top cockiness, frat-boy lyrics not to mention Yo-Landi’s high pitch chipmunk voice and Ninja bare tattoo-doodled chest. But they are as hilarious as they are talented and full of energy.

All these bands outshine MIA whose performance was said to have too much bass making the sound blurry. I wouldn’t blame it on sound problems blame it on the heat.




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