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Tarotscopes: Your Winter Horoscope Inspired By The Tarot

by BUST Magazine

We are pleased to introduce our new columnist Sarah Potter, a professional witch, tarot reader, and practitioner of color magic. Sarah will be providing her Tarotscopes for the season in each issue of BUST. Here are her pulls for December, January, and February 2021.

Page of Swords
(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
Stand up for what you believe in and speak up, Sagittarius! You have an abundance of energy and a desire to channel it towards the greater good of humanity. Put your confidence and enthusiasm for justice to good use. Now is an excellent time to deepen your commitment to social justice and support causes you believe in.

MM Princess Swords 81265

The Empress
(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
Indulge in sensual pleasures, Capricorn! You feel called to beautify your surroundings and nurture your domestic side. Spend time dressing your nest with lush house plants and luxurious new bedding. Get creatively inspired by trying out some new recipes and curating romantic playlists for all your crushes. Self-care is an essential, not an extravagance, so pamper yourself with every face mask, bath bomb, and fancy scented candle you have been saving for a “special occasion.”

MM Empress 59d1d

Wheel of Fortune
(Jan 20. To Feb. 18)
Change is coming whether you like it or not, Aquarius. Transitions are not easy, but why are you being so resistant to your own evolution? This refusal to accept your current circumstances is just creating unnecessary stress. It’s time to let go of the past in order to move on and move forward. Not everything is within your control, so it is best to just roll with it and remember, this too shall pass.

MM WheelofFortune 5e805

Eight of Cups
(Feb. 19 to Mar. 20)
You know exactly what you need to do, Pisces. Your life needs a major relationship overhaul! Take notice of any of the people and situations in your life that have stopped bringing you joy and see if there is anything still worth holding on to. Most likely, the answer is no as many of these connections have far exceeded their expiration dates! It’s time to stop sacrificing your own needs and focus more on yourself.

MM 8 Cups 5d850Aries:
Four of Wands
(Mar. 21 to Apr. 19)
Be aware of miscommunications with loved ones this season, Aries. Are you finding yourself in conflict with your family? Are you feeling unsupported? Address any problems as they come up, rather than letting them snowball into something much bigger. Remember, no one is a mind reader, so let people know if they have hurt you and show them how to support you right now. Working on communication skills together is crucial.

MM 4 wands 94fe2

Eight of Wands
(Apr. 20 to May 20)
Slow down, Taurus! You want to move quickly with your latest endeavor, but the cards are asking you to take your time to avoid mistakes. Consider your next moves and create a clear plan before moving forward. It’s OK to feel frustrated and impatient when confronted with obstacles that slow down your momentum, but don’t let these moments cause you to give up! Instead, use your energy to seek creative solutions to work your way around them.

MM 8 wands 394db

Page of Wands
(May 21 to June 20)
Your potential is limitless, Gemini! An abundance of new opportunities that tap into your creativity are coming your way! Be prepared to be endlessly inspired and open to whatever the universe has in store for you. Now is an excellent time to discover a hidden talent you possess as you let a new passion completely consume you. Believe in yourself and say yes to whatever adventure awaits.

MM Princess Wands bd59b

The Sun

(June 21 to July 22)
It can be hard to always see the bright side, Cancer. Sometimes situations do not unfold the way we hope, but do not allow these minor setbacks to shake your confidence or cause you to lose hope now! Take a step back, adjust your expectations, and take a more practical approach. This much needed shift in perspective will majorly improve your situation.

MM Sun a17cb

The Hanged Man ?
(July 23 to Aug. 22)
It’s time to get out of that rut, Leo! What has been holding you back from making some necessary changes in your life? Are you giving into fear of the unknown? Or are you just being too stubborn? Whatever it is, it is time to face it. Take a long look at your negative patterns and the exhausting situations in your life. It’s time to finally commit to taking the steps to end this tired cycle.

MM HangedWoman ae532

The Moon
(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
Tap into your intuition, Virgo. It is time to seek clarity as everything seems a lot more confusing than usual. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t, and sometimes, the best move is no move at all. To maneuver through this momentary fog, don’t make any assumptions, take your time, and be prepared for unexpected plot twists.

MM Moon a818e

The Star
(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
Don’t lose hope, Libra! You’ve been presented with so many obstacles lately that everything feels overwhelming. When we feel like this, it is hard to stay creatively inspired or cultivate the motivation to alleviate all of this pressure, but it is going to get better, I promise! Now is an excellent time to create a meditation practice as part of your routine. A dedicated moment of zen every day will do wonders for your well-being.?

MM Star fd685

Three of Pentacles
(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
It’s time to collaborate, Scorpio! You are experiencing excellent work flow now, but in order to take everything to the next level, you need to cultivate a good team with a varied array of talents. Play up your strengths and find those who can support your weaknesses. Major magic happens when a solid crew comes together to create a harmonious synergy!

MM 3 Pentacles 4e630 

By Sarah Potter

Featured Deck: Mystic Mondays by Grace Duong

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