Summer Horoscopes Inspired By The Tarot

by Sarah Potter


The Lovers


Move with integrity, Aries. You are facing a lot of decisions at the moment, and it’s understandable if you feel overwhelmed or even tempted to take a few shortcuts to the easy way out. Before you make any shortsighted choices, tap into your heart to consider what feels right rather than what seems simple. If an option aligns with your values, it will continue to benefit you for the long haul.


The Magician


Believe in your abilities, Taurus. If you don’t, who else will? You set the stage for your own success so if you let the self-doubts rule, they will happily take the lead. We don’t need that, and we don’t want it either, so when you feel the uncertainty creeping in, quell it with the reminders of all of your incredible accomplishments thus far! You are wildly talented—don’t forget it!


Ten of Cups Reversed


Embrace your community, Gemini. Do you feel somewhat disconnected? We are not meant to be solitary creatures, and it is unreasonable to have expectations that you can accomplish everything on your own! Beyond all of that, sometimes it’s just lovely to be around more people who have your shared interests and values. Seek those people out by joining something that’s far bigger than you so you can forge new relationships with deeper connections.


The Chariot


Stay focused on your desires, Cancer. You can do anything you put your mind to, and the reminders of this notion are abundant as everything seemingly clicks into place to propel your current dreams forward. Continue to do your part in this manifestation process by remaining dedicated to the purpose and eschewing the unnecessary distractions in your way. Every sacrifice will be worth it when you taste the imminent sweetness of success.


Wheel of Fortune Reversed

JULY 23 TO AUG. 22

Assess the situation, Leo. If there’s too much resistance in your path to move forward with a certain endeavor, is it worthwhile to continue to push against it? Probably not! Save the energy for something else and focus on a new path around these obstacles. This is your moment to get creative and break free from your original plan! Who knows, this could be even better than you previously thought possible.


Four of Cups

AUG. 23 TO SEPT. 22

Notice your blessings, Virgo.Your vision board is endless so it’s easy to get caught up in what’s next to accomplish, but when was the last time you recognized what you have already achieved and enjoyed the fruits of your labor? Consciously appreciate where you are currently on your journey so you can revel in the joy of the moment! Your well-being and sense of contentment will infinitely improve.


Queen of Cups Reversed

SEPT. 23 TO OCT. 22

Prioritize your own self-care, Libra. It’s lovely to be concerned with the well-being of others, but who is taking care of you? If you’ve been feeling exhausted and energetically burned out, then this is your sign to pull back, reel it in, and take better care of yourself. It’s OK to say no to invitations in favor of rest and other activities that replenish you, even if it causes others disappointment.


The Tower Reversed

OCT. 23 TO NOV. 21

Stop resisting the inevitable, Scorpio. Change is challenging, but we all know that radical shifts are a necessary aspect of our personal growth, and if we have outgrown something, there is no point in holding onto it. Let it go! Allow yourself to fully embrace this time of transition because what awaits on the other side is something truly beautiful. It’s wonderful to know that nothing stays the same forever, which includes you! 


Seven of Pentacles Reversed

NOV. 22 TO DEC. 21

Good things take time, Sagittarius. Something might not be unfolding as fast as you would like it to, but that certainly doesn’t mean that it isn’t happening for you! Try to exercise a little patience. Don’t give up on this endeavor just yet simply because it needs more time and effort to bloom. Maybe you need to try a different route that would still get you to the same destination? 


Two of Swords Reversed

DEC. 22 TO JAN. 19

Don’t hesitate, Capricorn. When faced with making a major choice, the worst option would be to not do anything at all. It’s OK not to know: Acknowledge the overwhelm but allow it to fuel you to consider your options carefully. Remember that a lack of decision-making is inherently a decision in itself, and it’s always far better to get in the driver’s seat and take control over letting fear rule. 


King of Cups Reversed

JAN. 20 TO FEB. 18

Remain calm, Aquarius. There’s been an immense amount of ups and downs lately, but you have the mental fortitude to ride out the storm through the high highs and low lows. Don’t let the turmoil get the best of you; it’s crucial to remember to take time to yourself and indulge in more mindfulness as a reminder that everything will settle down again eventually. All of this change will lead to something beneficial.


Seven of Cups Reversed


This is your wake-up call, Pisces. Why are you putting off doing the thing you really want to do in favor of what you believe you should do? Time is of the essence, and there’s no time like the present to focus on taking the steps to making a long-held dream come true. Let go of your fears and focus on what could go right rather than what could go wrong.


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