One of our favorite rockers is back with a new album and really awesome hair: St. Vincent’s fourth and upcoming self-titled album is set to be released in the US on February 25th. Just yesterday, “Birth in Reverse,” the first single from the album, descended upon the world like a magnificent rain of metallic sequins and sardonic rawness with driving percussion and a catchy hook.
Annie Clark, the woman behind the music, explained her thought process for the major-label debut album: “I wanted to make a party record you could play at a funeral.” And you know that’s going to be the most popular funeral at school—that’ll show Heather Chandler!
St. Vincent tracklist:
- “Rattlesnake”
- “Birth In Reverse”
- “Prince Johnny”
- “Huey Newton”
- “Digital Witness”
- “I Prefer Your Love”
- “Regret”
- “Bring Me Your Loves”
- “Psychopath”
- “Every Tear Disappears”
- “Severed Crossed Fingers”
Check out “Birth in Reverse” and look for her album out in February.
Also agghhh THE HAIR IS SO GOOD!