Tired of the boring, ugly plastic cases that your birth control comes with? We’ve got you covered. Check out these ten adorable alternatives designed to make taking your pill a fun experience so you won’t forget! Plus, with the crackdown on birth control many are fearing under the Trump administration, some of these cases might be great for discreetly stowing your pills.
Wonder Woman Pill Case by StateOfMuse on Etsy
What better way to store your birth control than in a case featuring this long-standing feminist icon?
Glitter Birth Control Pill Case by SprinkledInSparkles on Etsy
If you’re anything like me, you’re obsessed with all things glittery. This sparkly case is the perfect accessory!
Minivan Prevention Kit Birth Control Pill Cozie by destinationhandmade on Etsy
If you’re witty, this funny case is ideal for you!
Scented Sprinkles Birth Control Case by EinAndOllie on Etsy
This case is such a treat… it smells amazing! Printed with the words “Pop This” on it, this sweet case is a pleasant reminder to take your pill.
Kitten Birth Control Holder with Snap Closure by WyndMill on Etsy
Cat lovers rejoice! This cute little case features a convenient snap closure to keep your pills secure.
Your Lady Pills Deserve Unicorns And Rainbows by destinationhandmade on Etsy
As the name of this case suggests, this birth control sleeve will protect your pills with all the magic unicorns have to offer!
Donut Forget Birth Control Sleeve by EinAndOllie on Etsy
This delicious looking case reminds you to take your pill in the cutest way!
To Do Birth Control Pill Sleeve by EinAndOllie on Etsy
This one-item To Do list will keep you feeling productive!
Toaster Pastry Birth Control Cozy by BeeLoveLee on Etsy
This Pop Tart-shaped case keeps your pills safe in a sweet, delicious way.
Rosie The Riveter Pill Case by WyndMill on Etsy
A feminist classic, this Rosie The Riveter pill case featuring the words “We Can Do It!” is a constant reminder that women will persevere!
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