Candy Rain is sponsoring an up-and-up event that all city folk should be thinking about. Heather Loop is organizing a ride n’ protest against the removal of the Williamsburg bike lane.
This Saturday (12/19) Heather Loop and other participants are going to shed shirts and pants, too to oppose the removal of this lane. (FYI: The lane cost $11k to build and then $15k to remove – nice to see your tax dollars being used to take away recreational livelihood and the safety of bicyclists and pedestrians, right?)
Want to get involved? Join in on the opposition on Saturday, December 19th at 4 pm at the Wreckroom in Bushwick. You don’t have to shed clothes, but can go topless (it’s legal in New York).
The event has already generated a bit of buzz on MSNBC and closed with a quote I particularly like: “Get on your bike and ride – show the community that we do use and need all bike lanes,” event organizer Barbara Ross told the Brooklyn Paper. In support, get out there and ride!
[video: 425×344]Image courtesy of MSNBC and video courtesy of occupyeverything.