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Here’s What the Tarot Predicts For Your Star Sign this Winter

by Sarah Potter

Our columnist, Sarah Potter, provides this season’s tarot readings for the signs. 


King of Cups

(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)

Ride the wave, Sagittarius. Whatever comes your way, you’ve got this—rely on your intellect as much as your intuition. You’ve cultivated a good sense of balance, so keep it up and stay fully committed to any self-care routines. Even a good night’s sleep can do wonders for your body and peace of mind. 

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The Lovers Reversed

(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)

Raise your standards, Capricorn. You hold yourself to an exalted expectation, but have you considered why you do things differently from others in your life? It’s totally OK to want more and to ask for it, so be explicit with your desires, especially when it comes to how others show up for you. Invoking a change like this will be challenging at first, but it will be well worth it. 

AquariusTarotLoversReversed b5517


Page of Pentacles

(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)

Enjoy the ride, Aquarius. Lean into your curiosities as you cultivate your creative path. Which road will you take? Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know your exact route; the journey is what’s most important. Go where the wind takes you and follow what piques your interest. A detour is never wasted when it uncovers an unexpected experience.

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Strength Reversed

(Feb. 19 to March 20)

Reignite your inner spark, Pisces. If you’ve been feeling off-center, let’s get your mojo back. Even when times are tough, think about all of the goals you have accomplished and all of the inner work you have done to encourage your own growth. You have done it before, and you will do it again. 

AquariusTarotStrengthReversed dcc20


The Hermit

(March 21 to April 19)

Indulge in peace and quiet, Aries. Your current mood is feeling more introspective and contemplative lately so if you aren’t feeling social, then there is no need to force yourself. Decline all the invites you want! Maybe pull some cards, journal, or exercise. There will be plenty more times to have boring small talk at parties with people you barely know.

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Seven of Swords

(April 20 to May 20)

Be strategic, Taurus. You have a crystal-clear vision in mind as to what you want to accomplish right now, but you can’t fly by the seat of your pants to get there. To get what you want, be calculated as you execute your next moves. It’s time to tighten up: don’t be afraid to plan down to the very last detail, leaving little up to chance.   

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Three of Swords

(May 21 to June 20)

This might be a season of healing, Gemini. Pain from your past could be bubbling to the surface again, but you are in a better place now where you can handle these tough emotions. There is no need to hide these feelings, so speak from your heart and share what’s really been going on with the people who care about you. If words escape you, channeling this hurt into a creative activity often proves helpful. 

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Knight of Swords Reversed

(June 21 to July 22)

Look up, Cancer! Being laser focused on your goals is helpful, but if you hunker down and tunnel in too closely, you might miss out on everything happening all around you! Your goals require most of your attention right now, but your mind still needs a break. Don’t forget to step away from your tight schedule to let loose and have fun with loved ones.

AquariusTarotKnightSwordsReversed af85d


The Magician

(July 23 to Aug. 22)

Go for it, Leo. You are being presented with exciting opportunities to really hone your skills and show off your talents on a grander scale. This is exactly what you have been hoping for, so seize this moment and do not let any self-doubt hold you back from something that could be momentous and magical. Others recognize your potential so you should too! 

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(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)

Be patient, Virgo. As much as you want to speed things along, your current endeavor is going to take time to get the results you desire. Just because you aren’t getting that instant gratification doesn’t mean that hope is lost here! In fact, it feels like just the opposite. Good things come to those who wait.

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Ten of Cups

(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)

Express your gratitude, Libra. Have you noticed all the wonderful gifts around you lately? You have created a gorgeous life for yourself, so take inventory of everything that has come to fruition this year, all the progress you have made, and the dreams you’ve made come true. Be in the present moment and feel thankful so you can appreciate your life fully. 

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Four of Pentacles Reversed

(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)

Have you been procrastinating, Scorpio? If you’re trying every trick in the book to distract yourself from what needs to be done: cut it out. The anticipation is always far worse than the actual outcome. Put on your big-person breeches and do what needs to be done. Stat! 

AquariusTarotFourPentaclesReversed df1db

Featured Deck: Aquarius Tarot by Dawn Aquarius

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