Sarah Potter Explains It All: Reflect on the Past Year With These Winter Horoscopes Inspired by the Tarot

by BUST Magazine

Our columnist, Sarah Potter, provides this season’s tarot readings for the signs. 



(NOV. 22 TO DEC. 21)

Get comfortable in the space in-between, Sagittarius. Now is not the time to dip into extremes just to create an adventure to entertain yourself with somenonsense drama. Unfortunately, nothing you can do will speed things up right now (even though you really want to!) so sit back, relax, and practicepatience as everything unfolds at its natural pace.


WANDS7 32d3cCapricorn:

Six of Wands

(DEC. 22 TO JAN. 19)

Your hard work is paying off, Capricorn! The road hasn’t been easy, but despite the obstacles and challenges, you did it! You’re accomplishing your goals,your dreams are coming true, and now it’s time to celebrate—the sweet taste of success feels even more decadent when it’s hard won. Don’t forget tobrag about this momentous occasion to anyone who will listen.


SWORDS.QUEEN 9e5d2Aquarius:

Queen of Swords Reversed

(JAN. 20 TO FEB. 18)

You’re usually quite adept at listening to your head over your heart, but right now, you might need a little reminder not to let your emotions cloud yourusually crystal-clear vision. Utilize your sharp analytical skills and uncanny ability to cut through the nonsense of any situation to make the bestdecisions for yourself moving forward.




The Magician Reversed

(FEB. 19 TO MARCH 20)

Clear out the cobwebs of confusion, Pisces. What are you looking for, exactly? Instead of focusing so intently on the search, pay more attention to what’sright in front of you. Remember that what you’re seeking is usually with you all along. Be sure to honor your progress so far because you have donemuch more than you give yourself credit for on your path to success.

SWORDS.6 e87c8Aries:

Six of Swords Reversed


Stop resisting change, Aries! It can be challenging to leave the coziness of your comfort zone, my darling, but a flip of perspective will serve you well.You’ve been feeling stuck, but the energy is now shifting. Yes, this transitional period of growth is bordering on excruciating, but it will also bring exactlywhat you need. Surrender so everything can fall into place more easily



Queen of Pentacles Reversed

(APRIL 20 TO MAY 20)

You’ve been so focused on taking care of everyone else lately that your own self-care routine has slipped through the cracks, begging the question: Howare you going to take care of everyone else if you’re running on empty? Consider this your invitation to get back on track and pamper yourself! Getinspired by new recipes, make more time for luxurious baths, and treat yourself.


PENTACLES.10 606f1Gemini:

Ten of Pentacles

(MAY 21 TO JUNE 20)

Focus on your long-term goals, Gemini. What would make you feel more comfortable? Think about this as you set your intentions and get going towards your biggest dreams little by little. Consistency is key right now. You don’t need to make a terrifying or major, intimidating move to achieve the success and sustainability you truly desire. Slow and steady wins this race.


PENTACLES.2 a4013Cancer:

Two of Pentacles

(JUNE 21 TO JULY 22)

You’re in a groove, Cancer, and everything is going smoothly! A lot is happening, professionally and personally, but you’ve been juggling yourresponsibilities with effortless aplomb, allowing you to be everywhere all at once (almost!). Keep up the hard work, but don’t be afraid of releasing one(or two) of your tasks in order to have some time just for yourself.


SWORDS.3 14483Leo:

Three of Swords Reversed

(JULY 23 TO AUG. 22)

You are ready to move on, Leo. A recent breakup, heartache, or disappointment is wreaking havoc on your heart, but this is your reminder that youwillget through this moment. Feel all your feelings, mourn the loss, and you’ll come out on the other side healed. You’re stronger than you know, and thismoment will pass with the soothing sands of time.


PENTACLES.7 4dc66Virgo:

Seven of Pentacles Reversed

(AUG. 23 TO SEPT. 22)

Celebrate your progress, Virgo. Yes, there’s still work to be done, but you’ve already accomplished so much to be here right now! Take time to honor allthe small steps that led up to the big dreams that you’ve made come true. Everything else will fall into place with patience and diligence, which youalready possess in spades!


DEATH 419fdLibra:

Death Reversed

(SEPT. 23 TO OCT. 22)

Don’t resist change, Libra! Transitions are inevitable and the more you shy away from them, the more challenging they’ll be. It’s time to let go of thepast version of yourself and welcome this transformation! What are you afraid of? Release those fears, because yes, everything might not work outexactly as you had hoped, but what if it does?


WANDS.ACE 64f49Scorpio:

Ace of Wands Reversed

(OCT. 23 TO NOV. 21)

Enjoy the mystery of the unknown, Scorpio. Just because you’re lacking a distinct direction doesn’t mean you can’t hop in your proverbial boat and enjoythe ride towards your next adventure. Stop waiting for the motivation to strike and just go! The path will unfold as you move, and honestly, thedestination is secondary to the journey.




This article originally appeared in BUST’s Winter 2021/2022 print edition. Subscribe today!

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