Ana Mouyis is an Illustrator currently living in Brooklyn in a household full of fellow artists and kindred spirits. Her work draws both on her childhood in Cyprus as well as her current life in NYC. Her work combines disparate elements for striking effect. It is both earthy and ethereal, personal and universal. She applies her drawings to a variety of media, including quilting, printmaking and animation.
And now Ana talks to BUST:
what is your ideal breakfast?
watermelon and halloumi cheese from Cyprus, better yet served on the beach in Cyprus in the early morning sometime in the beginning of June.
what are your favorite materials to work with?
pencils. colored and not and lots of fixative.
if your art was music/food, what would it sound/taste like?
it taste like sour jelly beans i think, but its pretty quiet maybe like the sound in a tea kettle when its almost boiling, although i might just be saying that because i like that sound.
what themes repeatedly haunt your work?
I think the people in my life, whenever i get an idea i always picture someone i know in it. But more than anything is seem my work is haunted by the colors green and yellow, which is weird cause it is the colors of the Cypriot flag and was my school colors in high school. I haven’t realized that till now actually.
whose opinion influences you the most?
probably the opinion of Zachary Zezima , my friend, roommate and fellow illustrator.
what would you be if you weren’t an artist?
definitely a vet. when i was a kid it was my dream job, i would always try to cure my poor stuffed animals from their ailments
if you were a bird, what kind would you be?
a kiwi bird and according to Zach’s grandmother, if i were a flower i’d be an orchid
See more on Ana’s website and blog ! Also check out her video for the Why Not Peace Project.
-Emma Onstott