Lorde’s Boy Speaks Out and We Are On His Team: You Go, Lowe!

by Andrea Stopa

In case you’ve been lucky enough to evade the ignorance displayed by the total idiots who shared shockingly casual racist comments about Lorde’s boyfriend James Lowe, good for you. 

Just to give you and idea of this bullshit, when you being to type “Lorde’s boyfriend” into Google, one of the top suggestions is “Lorde’s boyfriend is ugly.” 


We think they’re pretty cute.

Lowe chose to step into this mostly unwanted attention, and pen a letter about his experience with publicity as a ripple effects of Lorde’s fame:  

“Since originally sitting down to write this post, Ella has become a two time Grammy winner. She has taken home a Brit too. Currently she is on the opposite side of the world on tour. As much as I miss her I couldn’t be prouder of what she has achieved so far. If you are lucky enough to attend one of her shows on this current tour, you’ll experience more than just her voice.

Jared Leto said that fame doesn’t change you, it changes everyone around you. While I’m not the centre of attention here (and f—k, the times I have, it’s never been fun), I do become aware of the people around me and their transparency. They fail to hide it. I’ve experienced being a target of the tabloids, finding moments I thought I was in safe hands splattered all over the internet, being pushed and shoved, or watching others get pushed and shoved by paparazzi just to get what they think they’re entitled to.

While I’m dragging on about the negative aspects, they are only a smart part of my world now. There is a bright, shining silver lining to this thing … I’ve been able to tell tales of the many amazing people I’ve met along the way – from fellow photographers, to artists I’ve always admired and never thought I’d get to meet, let alone have a simple thing like coffee with… People who seem to scramble the words within your brain and the only thing you end up doing is blurting out ‘HILSKDFLKWELK’ (at some point it’s a verbal greeting, but ends up a flurry of sweat mixed with spit). More importantly, I’ve found a little inspiration from new faces. People I look up to. People whose work I admire so much.

For all of this I have to thank the one I look up to the most. Who I admire the most. Who still fills the little voids I try to avoid.”

LOVE IS ALL THAT MATTERS. So bai, haterz. 

Unfortunately, there’s no doubt that the rude racist comments will continue. The racist reaction to seeing a young white woman with an older Asian man is nothing new— it’s a part of a long history of American xenophobia with all immigrant populations, in this case specifically the persisting “Yellow Peril” discourse regarding Asian men. Asian men are depicted over and over as undatable, undesirable, and unwanted, especially by white Western women who are depicted as the most beautiful and desirable women to date. In fact, they are seen as a threat to a white women’s “purity.” *gag*  So, excuse me while I yawn forever at this ridiculously predictable ignorance. Check yourselves, dummies.

This letter does however, give Lowe a voice, allowing him some subjectivity instead of being a  silent and symbolic image being mocked. Hopefully, this will foster a more human reaction to Lowe as a fellow human being who shares a love with another human, who happens to be a famous global teen pop sensation. Just let love be love, y’all! 


Thanks to Bossip.

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