Comics: Danish Artist Rikke Bakman Will Charm You

by Erina Davidson

For the past couple of years, I’ve been attending the MOCCA (Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art) Festival held at the Lexington Avenue Armory. There, I trade comics with other artists and revel in the geekery. One of my favorite things I walked away with this year was a print by Danish artist Rikke Bakman. (Her awesome bowl cut caught my attention.) She was as adorable as her drawings, not to mention super polite; she even signed my print with a little doodle of a girl with nipples. (Nipples!)


Above: The print I bought from Rikke. I thought my fellow hairy ladies would appreciate this. This is the most adorable depiction I’ve seen of pit hair lust.

Bakman is the author of Glimt/Glimtar (“Glimmer” or “Shimmer”), an account of a childhood summer at the Danish west coast, which has yet to be translated into English. I can’t read Danish, but the charming artwork alone is worth looking at.

Glimt/Glimtar is published in Denmark by Aben maler and in Sweden by Optimal Press.
A digital preview is available here (go a bit down the page, click on the spread)- definitely check out her unique comics-style. Peep her blog for original artwork and her personal inspirations:


And if you’re a comic geek like me, visit the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art. Currently on exhibition: “Will Eisner’s New York: From The Spirit to the Modern Graphic Novel”

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