Comedian and NPR host Ophira Eisenberg’s debut follows her transformation from promiscuous slut to devoted wife. Her memoir runs the gamut of mating topics—from unplanned pregnancy to religion—though accounts featuring family are especially comical. “My brothers and sisters loved telling anyone who would listen how my mother cried and cried when she found out she was pregnant with me,” writes Eisenberg. “They took to calling me ‘The Mistake.’ Once I asked my mom about this, and she told me not to worry, we were all mistakes.” Despite the title, Canada’s “yes” girl offers no apologies for her looseness, explaining early on that she faced down death at a young age, which instilled a sense of urgency in her relationships. Numerous floozies out there will find truth in Eisenberg’s account, but even if you’re not one, you should read it because it’s funny. And fast.
Screw Everyone: Sleeping My Way to Monogamy, $10.76,
By Whitney Dwire
This review appears in the Apr/May 2013 issue of BUST Magazine with Grimes. Subscribe now.