5 Political Moments From The Super Bowl

by Leah Thomas

If, lately, you’ve found yourself losing all faith in humanity, rest assured that for every certifiably-insane Donald Trump twitter rant, there is one progressively political Super Bowl ad. When we’re forced to express political activism in-between takes of grown men piling on top of each other in extremely tight pants, we may be in the midst of a revolution.

Although the Donald’s name was not mentioned in any of the ads, the message was clear: stop pissing in the bed that we all have to lie in (subtle Golden Shower reference).


The privately owned-and-operated company aired this ad that states, “We believe no matter who you are, where you’re from, who you love, or who you worship, we all belong.” Preach.

The company also released a statement announcing that they plan to provide housing for 100,000 people in need over the next five years. #AirbnbForPresident


The commercial features a multilingual version of “America the Beautiful.”

It originally aired during the 2014 Super Bowl but had a much stronger presence this year, due to the shitshow that is our current administration. The ad also sparked the hashtag #BoycottCoke because how dare they include diverse Americans speaking in languages that are not English.

It’s a 10 Haircare

The company’s ad begins by addressing a crucial issue that deserves more attention than it’s been getting: DJT’s hair. It’s a 10 cautions Americans, stating “We’re in for at least four years of awful hair.” Finally, something we can all agree on.

The ad stresses the acceptance of all hair (and yes, that includes back hair).


Audi’s ad conveys their commitment to equal pay for their employees, regardless of gender.

The one-minute ad features a father voicing his concern for his daughter — how does one possibly explain that she may never be equal to her male counterparts and may never be treated, seen or paid the same? The commercial ends with the father expressing his hope for the future: that maybe he will be able to tell her something different.

And finally, Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga began her performance by singing “God Bless America,” “This Land Is Your Land,” and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before appearing to jump off of a platform and into the abyss (but actually just casually performing her next song while suspended in the air as though she’s had a lifetime of acrobat training).

The song choice could be Gaga’s motherly way of attempting to comfort the millions of Americans watching (I, for one, feel better knowing that Gaga is on my side). Her widely-known political activism, especially amongst the LGBT community, was expected to be evident at her performance, but Mother Monster kept her message subtle. As difficult as it must be to follow Beyonce in Super Bowl half-time shows, she absolutely slayed.


Top photo: Youtube

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