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What’s Your Spring 2020 Horoscope?

by BUST Magazine

From BUST’s Spring 2020 issue, our new house astrologer, Emmalea Russo, gives astrological guidance to getting laid.


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(Feb. 19 to Mar. 20)
Your birthday season begins on a mystical note, just how you like it. Neptune the dream machine unites with your sun on March 8, bringing subconscious desires and otherworldly connections to the forefront just in time for the full moon on March 9. On May 13, the heat gets turned up when Mars enters your identity center. Think: a little less flow, a little more rock ‘n’ roll.



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(Mar. 21 to Apr. 19)
March begins with Venus traversing your house of self, sweetening up your typically heavy-metal aura. When the sun enters Aries on March 19, it’s back to boss mode, and with the new moon in your sign on March 24, you’re poised to set some badass intentions for the month ahead. Mercury enters your sign on April 11, making you the wittiest sexter on the astrological block.


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(Apr. 20 to May 20)
On March 8, your ruling planet unites with Uranus, bringing your weirder desires to the forefront. Let your freak flag fly, sweet Taurus! The sun enters your sign on April 19, a few days before April 22’s new moon, making you feel like a rejuvenated version of yourself. Mercury joins with the sun in your sign on May 4, infusing your flirtations with extra oomph.



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(May 21 to June 20)
You find your inner goddess on April 3 when Venus enters your sign, serving up extra doses of enchanting energy until May 13, when the planet of love goes retrograde. Think twice before reaching for the phone to text a past lover. Or wait for the new moon in your sign on May 22, which will revitalize your sense of self and move you forward.



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(June 21 to July 22)
Happy March! Neptune and the sun have been hanging together in your house of foreign travel and mystic journeying, making you daydream about all the places you’ll go. Starting April 3, you’re inclined toward more clandestine romantic affairs as Venus travels through your house of unseen realms. When Mercury enters your sign on May 28, you’ll be down to share steamy details about your lowkey romances.



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(July 23 to Aug. 22)
Your zone of partnership is getting an upgrade starting March 30, creating intense desire with a side of drama—but you’re not opposed. Days later, on April 3, Venus’ transit will highlight friendships, and a platonic relationship might turn into something extra. On May 7, you’ll feel grounded as the full moon illuminates the roots of your chart, offering respite after a busy (and hot) few months.



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(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
Spring begins with a full moon in your sign on March 9, asking you to decide what’s necessary and what’s no longer working. When Venus enters your house of career and public life on April 3, you’ll get some magnetic electricity and feel extra seen. Starting on April 19, you’ll begin a journey that might involve travel plans and new, horizon-expanding practices.



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(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
The new moon in your opposite sign on March 24 hits the refresh button on your relationships, commencing matters of the heart, whether you’re partnered or single. When your ruling planet enters ultra-analytical Gemini on April 3, you’ll get communicative superpowers. The full moon in your sign on April 7 sheds light on imbalances between your relationships and self-care. But don’t worry: balance is your area of expertise.



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(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
On March 4, the planet of love begins its journey through your house of partnerships, prompting you to take an even deeper dive than usual into your relationships. Then, it’s Earth to Scorpio on April 22 when the new moon in Taurus invites you to get out in nature. On May 7, the full moon in your sign highlights your more psychic leanings.



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(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
It’s spring, and it’s time to get even more independent than usual, bold Sag. Starting March 4, you’re all about self-love and new wellness regimens that make you feel beautiful, free, and empowered. This new protocol will pay off when your ruling planet, Jupiter, conjoins ultra-goth Pluto on April 4, urging you to redefine your self-worth and priming you for an energetic rebirth.



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(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
On March 20, adventure is on the table as Mars conjoins Jupiter in your sign, offering a hit of expansion. The next day, Saturn finally leaves your sign and it’s time to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your hard work, Cap. Perhaps a celebratory trip? On May 14, when Jupiter begins its retrograde in your sign, the stars ask you to commit to your meditative practices again.



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(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
When Mercury retrogrades into your sign on March 4, your typically lightning-quick mind feels a little more sluggish than usual, a reminder to think before you speak (or text) until Mercury turns direct on March 9. By May 11, Saturn begins its retrograde phase in your sign, a stellar time to reflect upon (and then ditch) any patriarchal structures that are no longer serving your highest self.


By Emmalea Russo
Illustrated by Camille Chew


This piece originally appeared in the Spring 2020 print edition of BUST Magazine. Subscribe today!

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