“Yes, You’re Sexist” Twitter Is Seriously Genius

by Hallie Marks

Remember when you were younger and you would start a sentence with “No offense, but…” whenever you were about to criticize someone? Yeah, it seems like some people never grow up. News flash: if you have to start out defending what you are going to say, you probably shouldn’t be saying it!

One Twitter account, Yes, You’re Sexist, has started calling out people for their sexist comments that are defended by the preface: “I’m not sexist, but…” Turns out, the people who say that tend to be pretty damn sexist.

The account, which claims inspiration from Yes, You’re Racist and Yes, You’re Gaycist, highlights both the casual sexism in our culture and on the internet, as well as the fact that sexism is so normalized that people think it’s fine to say things like “I’m not trying to sound sexist but whenever I’m in a car and a woman gets behind the wheel I feel scarred [sic] for my life”.

Though we live in a world where female athletes are judged based on their attractiveness and people shamelessly share thoughts on the Internet such as, “Not to sound sexist but all women should be clutch cooks, especially if you wanna hav [sic] sons” many people don’t think sexism or gender inequality exists. Think again! How many people have heard sexist comments, called out the speaker, and heard “It’s just a joke, lighten up”? I certainly have, and you know what? Maybe they think it’s a joke, but there are so many people that make those kind of “jokes” but truly believe what they are saying as well. Though it’s depressing to realize that these idiots don’t see anything wrong with these sentiments, the silver lining is that someone found enough of a problem with it to start collecting them on this account-highlighting the fact that we have a long way to go towards a sexist-free society.

Thanks to: twitter.com

Images from: twitter.com, lolbot.net

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