The Williamsburg Reality Show ‘The Bedford Stop’ Needs To Stop

by Dawn Day

The Bedford Stop is an Internet-reality show about a group of friends living in Williamsburg, and it lacks so much substance that I could cry. You know when you’re sitting around with your friends, and someone says, “You guys, we should have our own show,” and you all laugh and are like, “Ya, it would be so funny,” but deep down you know that it wouldn’t be that funny? That deep-down feeling needs to get relayed to Alex, Olena, Sarah and Melissa, the four main characters in this millennial tragedy of an online production.

Alex is the Lauren Conrad from Laguna Beach voice in the beginning, introducing her friends and explaining that they all moved to New York to pursue their dreams. The twenty-something recent college grads are seemingly wandering around gentrified Williamsburg, eating brunch and swiping on Tinder, but guess what? It doesn’t make for quality television.

Bedford and Bowery caught up with Alex, Olena and the combo producer, editor and cameraman, Mikey Ortiz, to talk about the show’s creation. Mikey told Bedford and Bowery that when he met this group of women, he thought of them as a group of characters and–in all of his film school dropout glory–started shooting them. The article also says that all of the women work and don’t come from wealthy backgrounds (which is the assumption upon watching).

“In my head, I know what I think the majority of millennials would like to watch these days. Williamsburg is extremely relevant, the things we do are extremely relevant, and why not broadcast that if we have someone who’s willing and has the connections to do it?” Alex told Bedford and Bowery.

BRB, crying for my generation. 

From joking about the Ebola virus to being angry with a roommate for neglecting to say hello at a bar, watching interactions on The Bedford Stop will fry your brain. That is, so long as you can understand what is happening through the severe vocal fry. 

The thing that really grinds my gears about this show is that it’s actually really well crafted. It definitely has professional quality, so props to Mikey’s filming and editing chops, but the potential is lost on the boring bullshit that is the content. He even said in the Bedford and Bowery interview that there was footage of them talking about their jobs, but they cut it since the whole episode revolved around Tinder. Yes, please let’s show a group of women vying for love rather than show them working. Great idea.

I would rather watch a show about a group of twenty somethings kicking ass and making a difference in the early stages of their careers instead of whining and self-admittedly “avoiding reality.” 

Punch reality in the face kids, don’t avoid it. But, definitely avoid The Bedford Stop, like, totally, literally avoid it. For reals. KK?

Photos via Instagram/@thebedfordstop and Instagram/@alexsosner.

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