Magician 9d468

Tarotscopes: FALL Horoscopes Inspired By the Tarot

by Debbie Stoller

Our columnist, Sarah Potter, provides this season’s tarot readings for the signs. 


Wheelofforutne reverse 1006f


Wheel of Fortune

(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)

I see you, Virgo. You’ve been
moving and grooving along on 

your path to success and then, bam—a roadblock appeared. Instead of getting frustrated or giving up, use this as an excuse to come up with a creative solution that will lead you to a place
you never would have gone otherwise! Success will
be even sweeter because you made it through this momentary challenge.


emperor rev 733b2


The Emperor Reversed

(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)

Release your inner control freak, Libra! Not everything is going as planned, but that’s totally OK. You can’t possibly foresee everything, and sometimes unexpected challenges appear. Remaining flexible is the key to your success right now! Try to chill out and go more with the flow in order to resolve these pesky issues that have been popping up. And remember—perfection is a myth.


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The Magician

(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)

Have you been feeling a little bored, Scorpio? It’s time to take on some new challenges that let you really lean into your talents. Let the sky be your limit as you set major goals to achieve your biggest dreams! You’ve been putting this off for far too long—now is your moment to really go after what you want in life.


3 cups rev acc8b


Three of Cups Reversed

(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)

Prioritize your alone time, Sagittarius. You might have social butterfly tendencies, but don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to be by yourself. It’s time to plan your next move, and the best way to do this is with some solitude. The ideas and inspiration will flow in once
you create the space to hear them.


9 cups 7d82b


Nine of Cups

(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)

Enjoy yourself, Capricorn! You’ve accomplished so much, but when was the last time you celebrated all your hard work? This is your invitation to splurge and treat yourself! Personally and professionally, you’re hitting your stride, and you deserve to honor these milestones. What’s the point of working so hard if you can’t enjoy an indulgence every once in a while?


5 wands rev f0219


Five of Wands Reversed

(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)

Stop avoiding conflict, Aquarius! Staying in the middle just isn’t serving you well anymore. I know you don’t want to make waves, but it’s time to actually deal with these issues that continue to come up! Pick a side; choose a lane.
It’s OK to voice your opinions, and it’s so important
to stay true to your values. 



Devil rev e011c


The Devil Reversed

(Feb 19. to March 20)

Let go of your fears, Pisces. You’re on the verge of major greatness, so what’s holding you back? Before you can move forward, you must look at the past and let go of the little voice telling you that you can’t do this. The fear of success is just as real as the fear of failure. Release all that toxic self-talk and let yourself soar into the future.


10 cups ab42b


Ten of Cups

(Mar. 21 to Apr. 19)

Everything is coming together so beautifully, Aries! You’ve worked so hard to get here, and now is your time to truly enjoy what you have created for yourself. Instead of just continuing forward, take some time to revel in these feelings of contentment—and be sure to celebrate your accomplishments with the ones you love.


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Four of Swords

(Apr. 20 to May 20)

Take a break, Taurus—you must be exhausted! The best kind of self-care right now might be prioritizing moments of rest. And while you’re at it, take a little social media detox as well, and don’t hesitate to utilize the “Do Not Disturb” function on your phone for an extended period of time. Relax and chill out so you can rejuvenate, my darling!


chariot 8cb4b


The Chariot

(May 21 to June 20)

It’s time to focus, Gemini. You know that goal you’ve always wanted to accomplish? Let’s
not put it off any longer, sweetheart, because now is your time to shine and make your dreams a reality! Achieving success won’t be easy. But keeping your eyes on the prize will help you overcome any unforeseen obstacles that pop up in your way.


high priestess rev be3fc


The High Priestess

(June 21 to July 22)

Slow down and listen to your own inner wisdom, Cancer. You have some decisions to make soon, and the only voice you need to listen to is that of your own intuition! Tune out the opinions of your well-meaning friends and confidantes and have faith in your own guidance. The answers are already within you; you just need to listen to them!


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Three of Swords 

(July 23 to Aug. 22)

Honor your own strength, Leo! Current situations are causing painful memories from your past to rise to the surface again—maybe, you’re feeling tempted by some of your old patterns. This is nothing to be afraid of, but more a reminder of your own strength and resilience. You got through that period of time, and you’ll get through this, too.

By Sarah Potter

Featured Deck: Spirit Speak Tarot  created by Mary Evans,

This article originally appeared in BUST’s Fall 2021 print edition. Subscribe today!


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