Our 18 Favorite Dogs On Instagram And Why We Love Them

by Meghan Sara

Don’t get us started on puppies. Seriously, JUST DON’T. Hours of our valuable time have been wasted, debating which dogs are the cutest Instagram celebrities… so, in the interest of fairness, we decided to compile a master list of the dogs we here at BUST consider our Instagram #baes! Trust me, it was no small feat to bring all of our favorite dogs into one list, but we did it! Prepare your eyeballs, they’re about to gorge on 20 of the CUTEST PUPPIES they’ve EVER SEEN!


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1. Toast — @toastmeetsworld

Why we love her: Toast is a former puppy mill dog who was adopted by Joshua Onassis aka The Fat Jew. Apparently, her teeth were in such bad condition when he adopted her, that they all needed to be pulled — guys, Toast has no teethies!! Maybe that’s why her tongue always hangs out the side of her mouth, in her “signature pose.” With her puppy mill horrors behind her, Toast now hobnobs with celebrities and attends fashion events. Gotta love a rags-to-riches story! You go, Toast!

Dean the Basset Hound

2. Dean the Basset Hound — @deanthebasset

Why we love him: His floppy ears and teardrop-eyes give him a morose look, which belie his playful spirit that shines through in his videos. He’s the puppy that makes even emo kids go, “Awww…”


Ralph and George

3. Ralph & George — @ralphthecorgi

Why we love them:  A perfect comedic duo: “Gorgeous George” and that absolute ham Ralph have a better hashtag game than you could ever hope for. I’ve seen their Buzzfeed video at least five times, and I’ve cried every single time. Get the tissues ready!


Olivia the Blue Mini Daschund

4. Olivia — @oliviathebluehound

Why we love her: Olivia is a BLUE MINI DACHSHUND, which means she is little, she is blue, and she is adorable.


Wacha Cohen

5. Wacha Cohen — @therealwacha

Why we love him: Yes, that is Wacha Cohen, of the Bravo TV “Andy Cohen”s! Wacha was in a kill shelter in West Virgina until he was whisked away into the wild world of celebrity. Now, Wacha gets the celebrity treatment: picking out suits on Madison Avenue, kicking it with his famous dad, enjoying a life of leisure. I love a happy ending!


Doug the Pug

6. Doug the Pug — @itsdougthepug

Why we love him: Doug is living his best life. Whether he’s sunning on his pizza towel on the beach, in bed with a plate of tacos, or shaking hands with Dolly Parton (!!!), Doug is your #lifegoals. No shade, Doug, we love you, and we love living vicariously through you!



7. Baby — @therealbabydog

Why we love her: Do I have a type? Guilty. That type is floofy, and Carole Radziwill of RHONY’s goldendoodle Baby is just the diva for your insatiable floof craving. Seeing as how she’s a “real housedog,” I’m willing to bet nobody puts Baby in a corner.


 Harper aka Sheepadoodling

8. Harper — @sheepadoodling

Why We Love Her: All about that #pandalife, baby. Harper loves playing with her friends and her action shots are epic. Check out those leaps! She’s the absolute athlete of the group.


Molly the Newfie

9. Molly the Newfie — @mollythenewfie

Why we love her: Molly — along with her friends Lady the Pomeranian and Boomer the Newfie — are a very chill squad. Just like your group of friends, they’re happy just hanging out in a big, fluffy cuddle puddle, hitting up the local park, or just helping out around the house!


Harlow, Indiana and Reese

10. Harlow, Reese, & Indiana — @harlowandsage

Why we love them: Total #squadgoals, baby. Harlow the Weimaraner and her two sisters Reese and Indiana (left to right) have the best group selfies on Instagram. These three gals are THE BEST PALS and it definitely doesn’t hurt that they’re all excruciatingly photogenic.



11. Kooper Doodle — @kooperdoodle

Why we love him: Kooper loves the simple joys in life: romping on the beach, sleeping diagonally across a queen-sized bed, and taking selfies standing on top of fire hydrants. Simple joys! Koop’s also got a kickass mohawk, and you can’t beat a solid signature hairstyle, hello!


Milo aka Frenchie Butt

12. Milo — @frenchiebutt

Why we love him: This guy’s cheeks are permanently upturned in an infectious grin. Seriously, this guy is always happy! How can you not be happy, looking at his smiley face? I would vote this guy for Prom King, Miss Congeniality, President of the United States…pretty much anything!


Skookum the Samoyed

13. Skookum the Samoyed — @skookumthesamoyed

Why we love him: Skookum’s range of facial expressions (and his vocabulary of grunts & whines) is unparalleled. He gives more face than some actors (cough) I’ve seen! Look into his eyes, you know exactly what he’s thinking. Plus, how can you even deal with that floof? And “upside-doozle-daisy”? A year ago, I didn’t even know what a Samoyed was, and now I WANT ONE.


Tibby the Corgi

14. Tibby — @tibbythecorgi

Why we love her: Tibby is the Kardashian of corgis. Her social media is as on fleek as her butt floof! She knows how to work a hashtag, and her videos are hilarious. When Tibby gets dressed up and takes a selfie, the Internet breaks just a little bit.


Brady the Golden Pup

15. Brady — @bradythegoldenpup

Why we love him: Get you a pup who can do both: wine & dine you or just kick it in a cardboard box. Brady has the charm of a football-playing, well-mannered nice guy you can bring home to Sunday dinner with your Mama.


Tonkey Bear

16. Tonkey — @bearcoat_tonkey

Why we love her: Tonkey’s soft, grey wrinkles and soulful, light eyes are so Instagrammable. Tonkey just has the best genes! She looks as though she’d be equally at home modelling in a West Elm or Anthropologie catalog as she is playing with her older sister, Maxi. Can you imagine petting her? She’s made of magical velvet, and she probably smells like lavender sachets.


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17. Manny — @manny_the_frenchie

Why we love him: a self-described “philanthropist,” Manny is all class. When he’s not raising money to assist children and adults living with autism, he’s filming, meeting celebrities, and falling asleep on set. Well, being a philanthropist is hard work!


Marnie the Dog Selfie

18. Marnie the Dog — @marniethedog 

Why we love her: Once again, I saved the best for last, y’all. Marnie is my absolute bae. Is it the precocious gleam in her eyes? Her luscious blonde curls? Or could it be that her social media skills are reminiscent of a too-cool teenager learning how to use Twitter? Marnie was adopted as a senior dog, so she’s got that whole adorable Golden Girls thing going for her. She’s charmed the pants off Tina Fey, Abbi and Ilana, Miley Cyrus and OH YEAH ME:

Marnie and Me

I totally met Marnie! At New York Comic Con 2015. Having been in the prescence of her greatness, I can vouch that Marnie is a total sweetheart, smells like puppy heaven and is sooo soooft no I’m not crying… I just look like I’m crying, there’s a difference.

HONORABLE MENTIONS (accounts that focus on many dogs):

Hot Dudes With Dogs

@hotdudeswithdogs — it’s HOT DUDES. With DOGS. I rest my freakin’ case.


The Dogist

@thedogist — have you ever wondered what Humans of New York would be like if it were all about dogs instead? Let me introduce you to my good friend THE DOGIST aaaaaaaand you’re welcome.

We Rate Dogs

@weratedogs — What happens when you combine photos of dogs in their most awkward moments (riding an invisible bicycle, for instance) with side-splitting, off-the-wall captions? Usually, it involves laughing until snot flies out of my nose. Once you start following them, you, too, will understand. Long Live Pipsy.

So spill your beans! Who are your favourite four-legged Instagram celebrities? Not that I need more dog accounts to obsess over, but, y’know, if you know anyone…

featured image is Pipsy, via @weratedogs.


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