Oprah, why the tears?

by Lisa Kirchner

I love what Oprah Winfrey has to say about her best friend Gayle King in the clip on ABC.com released today from her upcoming Barbara Walters special. I feel lucky to have friends in my life I’d say the same about. But what this clip has people asking is–why the tears? As if the waterworks belie the truth in what she’s saying. If you watch this unfold you’ll see that she actually cries when she talks about Gayle, not when she states the nature of their relationship. Thing is, not only is Oprah a sexual abuse survivor who’s managed to learn how to have non-sexualized relationships, but she is a veteran interviewer. She knows what’s coming next. Maybe, just maybe, the thought that in 2010, not having a husband opens her up to such speculation is depressing. Has her life’s work been for naught? The Superwoman myth is alive and well. It makes me want to cry. How about you?


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