#IStandWithAkin Hashtag Proves There’s No Hope for Humanity

by Lilly O'Donnell

It looked for a minute there like Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) had gone so far into the deep end of offensive ignorance that the left and right could come together in outrage. But then, of course, Twitter brought to light the sad truth that not everyone was flabbergasted when the Senate nominee claimed that it’s impossible for women to get pregnant from “legitimate rape” (whatever that means).

Thankfully, many of the #IStandWithAkin tweets were sarcastic:

But some really do seem to think that what he said was totally reasonable, or at least justified by the pro-life place in his black hole, er, heart that it came from:

(Although it doesn’t count as mis-speaking if what you say expresses your actual views.)

“Something substantial,” like the fact that someone on a committee on science has zero understanding of the female reproductive system, and doesn’t think that most rape is “legitimate?”

And the award for biggest douche under the #IStandWithAkin hashtag goes to….

There are more on Twitter, so if you’re feeling dangerously close to having faith in humanity, take a browse and recalibrate your jaded-o-meter.

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