It’s said that a woman’s purse contains all sorts of mysterious items that baffle the male species.
So imagine a dude’s reaction upon finding a clitoris inside (if he’s completely baffled, perhaps you should do us all a favor and explain it to him).
Yes, thanks to The Purssy, you can now celebrate your lady parts and store your necessities.
On the outside it looks like a normal clutch, but when you open it up–BOOM!–there’s an anatomically correct vagina.
All of the clutches are handcrafted from vintage fabrics and are available on Etsy for $115. There are also several different styles to choose from to ensure that you have a perfect Purssy for every occasion.
For instance, if you’re getting sexified for a night on the town, you may want to accessorize with the ‘Black Metallic’ Purssy while the ‘Shagadelic‘ Purssy is ideal for a fun, casual summer outing.
And of course, each unique clutch features a unique silky vag (with enough room to fit your cell phone, keys, makeup, tampons, ect).
While it’s advertised as being a great gift “for the bride-to-be/drag queen/pussy lover in your life,” I can’t help but think that it would also make for a really handy instructional device.
Who knew a vagina could be so darn cute and functional?