Have you ever found yourself wishing for an online community full of like-minded ladies who craft, create, and care for each other? Are you feeling inspired by all the female-centric work being shown at Sundance and The Athena Film Festival this year, and ready to try your hand at a video or web series of your own? If so, you should hop on over to Wonderly, a new multi-platform digital space for female creators.
The Wonderlings, as the site’s creators are called, set up shop to offer an encouraging and inclusive alternative to the male-dominated space of Youtube. Fangirls, DIY darlings, and geek girls are encouraged to show their stuff, be it through video, crafting, baking, or interpretive emoticon arrangement (OK, I made that last one up, but you get the picture).
The site is already chockfull of video and crafty content by young female contributors. It’s wonderful to see the faces and voices of such a diverse group of girls out there doing whatever thing they choose! This kind of snark-free creative space is absolutely essential.
Wonderly is the new home of the delightful web series Squaresville, and will also feature the talented Meghan Tonjes, and original programming out the wazoo. And the site will provide monthly prompts and themes to get your creative juices flowing at home! Check out some of their programming below, and start dreaming big about what you can contribute!
“Relationship Advice”
“I’m a Wizard!”
Photo via Wonderly.com
Videos via Youtube