So remember the blog post heard ’round the world a while ago that sent a swarm of commentors into a tizzy over a woman’s right/obligation/choice to shave or not to shave her nether regions? well, in that same vein, this is the first of an on-going blogroll of updates to keep you, the readers, informed as I take the plunge and have baby bush de-fuzzed for good via laser hair removal. while i respect every gals decision on the matter (because i personally believe you should wear your hair just as you please), I was blessed cursed with very sensitive skin, and while i’ve tried precisely every product on the market removed bikini line hair, from depilitories to razors to waxing, my body’s natural reaction is to break out in disgusting rashes and bumps, which outside of being no prettier than puke, it really hurts me. And let’s just face it, while I made the personal decision to keep most of the hair there, i’m never gonna need those pesky fuckers that overstep the bikini line and billow out the side of your bathing suit. So those babies are going bye-bye for ever in hopes that I can rid myself of that nasty irratation once and for all.
More after the jump..
Though I was hesitant at first, I did as much research as I could to assure myself that I couldn’t get burned or discolored and there was no chance of general debauchery…i proceeded forth. A lady of convenience, I jumped at the chance to contact Michele of Hair It Goes!–the only premiere door-to-door in-home luxury laser hair removal service. She brings the goods right to fab is that?! She assured me that she lasered all her body hair 10 years ago and she’s still as bare as the day she was born. (I attest to that fact, I saw it first-hand, err, on her legs that is).
For those considering it and wondering the pain level. (No pain, no gain, right?). I assure you, it’s not pain free. Though in comparing it to waxing, it’s a breeze. I can’t really describe the exact sensation, but I liken it to plucking. Instead of a giant excrutiating rip of a wax-laden strip, it’s a short little jolt (<–best word to describe it), applied with what I can only describe as a vacuum hose, that lasts 2 seconds and it’s over. But when I say jolt, it’s enough to make you jump a little. But like I said, very brief. And she zapped me just 2 times on each side with a voltage level appropriate for my hair type (you guessed it! Italian! dark and thick and obnoxious). You know it works because the little hairs there, which were stubble at the time, got singed. No gross burny hair smell though. So fuzzy-wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy anymore was he? And though she told me that it would take at least 4 treatments to start to see results, I can already tell a little difference. I detect a few small patches where the hairs seem like they’re not popping above the surface of my skin. Yay! And nooooo disgusting rashes or breakouts! Hallelujah!
Keep posted for updates after my next treatments!
And for more information about laser hair removal and Hair It Goes! visit