Hopes For A Woman President Are Split Along Gender Lines (Obviously)

by Ada Guzman

In a recent survey, the Pew Research Center collected data outlining what we already know to be true—that, in general, more women want a woman for president than men do.

The survey asked: “Do you personally hope the United States will elect a female president in your lifetime, or does that not matter to you?” 

The split between women of different parties is pretty drastic: Half of independent women hope to elect a female president in their lifetime; two-thirds of Democratic women say the same. But only 20% of Republican women hope to see America elect its first woman president within their lifetime.

On the male end, nearly half of Democratic men hope to see a female president at some point, while only 16% of Republican men feel the same way.

The report hypothesizes that for Republican men and women, “this view may be more about the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency than about a major milestone for women.”

Either way, these views don’t exactly surprise us. The full survey does point out that the “pipeline for female leaders seems to be widening,” and we agree. With Clinton (hopefully!) running as a strong Democratic candidate in 2016’s elections and a record-breaking 104 women serving in both House and Senate, it seems that progress is getting underway in the government (still a ton of work to do though).

Image via MSNBC

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