Ok, so this is pretty much gold.
“Royals” gets an overhaul by three women of color actresses–Tess Paras, Haneefah Wood and Ayana Hampton–who use the song to comment on typecasting and representation in Hollywood.
“I’m gonna play the white girl’s nerdy friend
[Of course]
I’m gonna play the white girl’s other friend
Who is sassy
[Omigod, you nailed that]”
In a funny but disturbingly true rendition, we are all reminded that gender and race are never separate, and even when we see more women on screen, they are rarely women of color, and when we do see women of color, the characters are flat and stereotypical. The video also comments on the power dynamic of Hollywood, as actresses are forced to accept the slim pickings offered to them if they want to work.
But I will let the video do the talking:
Thanks to Bitch Media and Colorlines.