Today’s the day! Side Effects, the chilling psychological thriller featuring Rooney Mara, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jude Law, and Channing Tatum, is hitting shelves on DVD/BluRay. Mara stars as a disturbed women whose psychiatrist gives her experimental drugs to treat her terrifying anxiety. This leads to deadly consequences, twists you won’t predict, and a (spoiler alert:) topless Channing Tatum. Aw yeah.
If you haven’t seen it yet, or if you’ve already seen it and loved it, here’s your chance to win a free copy! For a chance at your very own Side Effects DVD, please do the following:
- Comment below with your favourite scary movie heroine. (Clarice from Silence of the Lambs, anyone?)
- Send your commenter name, as well as your full name and address, to [email protected].
The contest is now closed. Congrats to our winners!
Photo via Universal Studios Home Entertainment