It’s really frustrating that it sometimes takes super depressing PSAs to make us address our unsafe behavior and do something about it, but you should watch this one, even though it will make you cry your eyeballs out.
DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE BUSTETTES! Not that I’m accusing anyone of doing it, but I know firsthand that if you live in an area where you have to drive, you will most likely text and drive in your lifetime, and we’re asking you to please stop!
Liz’s story of how she survived a horrible accident on account of texting while driving breaks my heart. I’m so happy she survived to tell her story but, as we know, not everyone does.
I’ve compiled a list of things you can do to avoid texting and driving
1) Make Playlists on Spotify – Spotify’s offline playlists are a great way to listen to new music and keep both hands on the wheel while driving. And when you don’t know what to listen to or you want to change the song, pull over and put Beyonce on shuffle, because seriously, when do you ever not feel like listening to Beyonce?
2) Put your cell phone in the pocket behind the driver’s seat- this is a great way to avoid the temptation to read texts while driving, and you’ll seem aloof by making people wait for your response.
3) Put your phone on silent- Silence is totally golden in a situation like this. Without hearing a buzz you wont feel withdrawals and you’ll be able to get from point A to point B safely.
4) Have a friend be your receptionist – have them read texts to you aloud and then you won’t miss anything!
5) Find an app! AT&T’s drivemode allows for auto-replies that will let all your inquiring friends know what you’re doing and why you aren’t responding.
6) PULL OVER – if you’re waiting for an important text or you are lost, PULL OVER and use your phone. Sure it might waste five minutes of your time, but that’s better than years in prison or risking your life!
I know that often you really do feel invincible. You’ve gotten away with texting and driving so many times before, so why should you stop now? I can honestly say I’ve gotten into quite a few fender benders in my day due to driving distractions, and it is honestly NOT worth it (car insurance payments alone, OUCH).
We need you to be safe, careful and remember it’s not just your life in your hands. There are other drivers out there who you need to protect. While Orange is the New Black can sometimes make prison seem not so bad, that is not real life, ladies! We don’t want you to end up there for years just for texting your best friend “where are you?”
What are your favorite ways to avoid texting and driving? Let us know in the comments section.