Everything Wrong With That Google Anti-Diversity Doc

by Violet Marmur


It turns out working at Google isn’t just nap pods, free food, and coding. This weekend, an anti-diversity manifesto written by a senior software engineer went internally — and then externally — viral. The 10-page document, titled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber,” argues against the company’s diversity efforts with nonsensical, absurd and outrightly offensive claims, like trying to explain that women are underrepresented in the tech world because they’re not biologically wired for it, or how harmful and suppressing  “politically correct monoculture” is.

The document was met with contempt and repulsion (no shit) from the writer’s fellow employees, and it was broadcasted through the internet. Here’s a few examples of the many tweets that outraged Googlers sent out:









You might be asking, what is even in this letter? Is it really that bad?

Yes, yes it is.

The writer introduces the obtuse document with the classic disclaimer of “I’m not a racist” or “I’m not a sexist” that comes before an incredibly offensive racist or sexist statement. The Google ex-employee writes, “I value diversity and inclusion, am not denying that sexism exists, and don’t endorse using stereotypes. “ Yet what follows is 10 pages brimming with bullshit and misogynistic stereotypes. His self-victimization comes out off of the bat, as he claims that Google’s left-leaning political prejudice “shames people into silence,” making him lack “psychological safety.” The mansplaining and white savior complex is introduced pretty quickly as well.


Next comes pages of crass claims against hiring more women int ech. Most of the writer’s assertions are backed up by pseudoscience that women are intrinsically different than men, and their inadequate representation in tech makes sense biologically. He says that women have higher levels of anxiety, and that’s why they don’t have as many high stress jobs as men (because of course it’s not dangerous cliches like these that are restricting us). Another ludicrous statement is “we need to stop assuming that gender gaps imply sexism.” Gender gaps do, in fact, indicate sexism. Isn’t it self explanatory — “gender gap,” as in difference in equality? The document promotes the chauvinistic and false stereotype of women as the neurotic, inferior gender that, as Google firee is arguing, will biologically never rise to the economic and social power of men. His sexism is incredibly explicit. In a section titled “Men’s Higher Drive for Status” he writes, “We always ask why we don’t see women in top leadership positions, but we never ask why we see so many men in these jobs. These positions often require long, stressful hours that may not be worth it if you want a balanced and fulfilling life.” Doesn’t get much more sexist than that.

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The author also argues that in an effort to increase diversity, Google has “created several discriminatory practices” such as “Programs, mentoring, and classes only for people with a certain gender or race” or “A high priority queue and special treatment for ‘diversity’ candidates.” This white man is displaying a textbook argument for reverse racism and men’s rights, both of which aren’t a thing, claiming that diversifying is disadvantageous for him, the supposedly “oppressed” white man. It’s time that he, and many other white men, understand that the advancement of women and people of color is necessary in tech, and in just about every job field. Even though he may feel threatened by the growth of the oppressed, we still live in a patriarchal, racist society, as this entire document embodies.


Thankfully, the author of this hateful document was fired from Google on Monday. 1 point against the patriarchy.

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Photo credit: Google Press Corner

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