DIY: Perfect Cat Eye with Tape, Spoons and Stickers

by kelsey haight

Regardless of your opinion on wearing makeup, sometimes you wanna wear it and may feel unarmed with the skillz. Women have a complex history with makeup, ranging from relying on it to despising it. Chances are you fall somewhere in the middle and if not, you deserve a chance to try out the strong cat-eye look, as make up tutorialist Tadele Smith says, “you want the wings of your liner to be so sharp they could kill a man”.

 It’s true that practice makes perfect with liner, but thanks to modern technology (i.e. gadgets and diy) you can have your eyes your way! This will also give you the control to do whatever you want, rather then begging someone else to do it for you OR dropping $50 to get it done at a MAC counter. Below is an array of approaches to eyeliner, ranging from using office supplies, kitchen utensils, stickers, or ergonomic tools to help you get a look that makes you feel fierce and invincible! 

Option # 1

Tape! By simply creating a stencil with desk tape you can make wings whatever size you want. By placing two strips of tape, one arched up from the lower corner of your outer eye, and one along the lid of your eye you can make stellar wingz. This method is perfect for trying more extreme looks out and works best with liquid or gel eyeliner.

Option #2

A spoon! This innovative and kind of disturbing method works well, despite being questionably unsanitary. Be gentle with your eye and the spoon when using this method, and make sure that you only use clean silverware before proceeding. Also, only spoons work for this approach, don’t even think about using a spork or fork…

Option #3

Stick on eyeliner is a great option for anyone far-sighted, afraid, or without the patience for working on symmetrical lines! These handy little doo-dads available at all Sephoras and most drugstores for relatively cheap and come in a wide variety. Even if you are experienced with makeup they can be used to spice things up or when you don’t have time to squint in the mirror.

Option #4

Start with user-friendly liners. A few designers have taken the time to design an ergonomic liquid liner that allows users to comfortably hold the eyeliner without precariously balancing, slipping or losing grip on a tiny pen. This works great for righties or lefties or anyone who lacks a strong grip or feels intimidated!

Images courtesy of Sephora, Amazon and Birchbox

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