Tina Fey is Super!

by Megan Hinshaw

Rolling Stone has Tina Fey, Tracy Morgan, and Alec Baldwin on the cover of it’s January edition. The colorful set up includes Tracy Morgan and Alec Baldwin both costumed as Superman and Superboy respectfully, and Tina Fey as Lois Lane. (Lets not even start on the derogatory choice of portraying Tracy Morgan as Superboy.) Alec Baldwin is supporting her as they fly through the air arm in arm. This set up seems strange especially when the cover piece is titled, “The Last Days of 30 Rock : How Tina Fey Pulled Off TV’s Smartest Sitcom.” Why is Tina Fey portrayed as a supporting character when she is truly the heroine?

Tina Fey is crazy smart and talented. She has received 2 Golden Globes, 7 Emmys and countless other awards for her writing and acting. She also has a boatload of glass-ceiling breaking credit to her name. She just co-hosted the Golden Globes with Amy Poehler. The ladies got rave reviews as the first women to EVER host the Globes (finally!).  But that was not the first first for the daring duo,  as Poehler and Fey were the first lady team to co-anchor the Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live. Way back in 1999, Fey was the first female head writer for SNL.  Not to mention she is a mom.  Can’t she be Super too?

I suggest that a more accurate portrayal of the Superman mythology would be slightly different. Alec Baldwin would be dressed as the cigar smokin’ gruff but loving Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Planet. Tracy Jordan would be styled as Bibbo Bibbowski, a character that, inspired by Superman’s efforts, tries to stop crime but most often has to be saved himself. Tina Fey would be saving both of them (or their careers) as Superman, an icon characterized by his idealism and moral code of conduct. Duh, Rolling Stone!

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