Bummer Shop

by Intern Caroline

I think the only thing worse than a break up is healthy bread. Break ups are wretched! After things go sour, your own home becomes a nightmare hellscape full of shit from the better times that now makes you binge-watch Downton Abbey, crying into your ice cream for poor Mary. She just wants to be her own person! Gifts, mementos, and tokens that once served as reminders of a beautiful union between two people become detritus blocking the road to Move-Onville. I’m sure Carrie Bradshaw has waxed poetic on this topic at some point, so I’ll stop. 


Enter NeverLikedItAnyway. Imagine High Fidelity and eBay boinked and had a website baby. Good luck getting that disturbing image out of your head. It’s a place where scorned exes can sell the jewelry, clothes, electronics, etc. that are too laden with sentiment to keep around, and heartless bargain hunters can swoop in. The site lists the Real World Price side-by-side with the Break Up Price so customers can see the deals they’re getting. But at what cost? Wouldn’t it kinda be a bummer knowing the wedding dress you’re walking down the aisle in is yours as a result of a devastating break up? 

 If you’re super frugal like me, probably not. 

The site also features an area where members can share their stories of heartbreak and disappointment. Tales can be rated by other readers as “WTF”, “tear-jerker”, “awesome”, or “FML”. I feel like those four categories are the only way to describe any break up.  There’s also a Moving On Manual where readers contribute advice for the lovelorn. After looking through the pages of platitudes we all hear and ignore, I stumbled upon a real keeper from username [email protected]:

 “Watch home alone 2: Lost in ny like 20 times. You will forget about your ex and fall in Love with someone else. NYC.”

 Thanks, Sung. I will definitely keep that one in mind. 

Image source: tumblr

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