BBC Theorizes A Timeline of Trends

by Libby Zay


My mom likes to call her walk-in closet ”the archives,” and for good reason: the wardrobe filed away inside is a repository of fashion history.  Swearing that ”fashion is cyclic,” she has stowed artifacts from every fashion craze since the sixties.  Double-breasted blazers, polyester frocks, and an impressive collection of spandex stirrup pants are all hoarded in her vault-of-vogue.  Sometimes she can explore the depths and resurface a gem (thanks for those vintage moccasins, ma!), but more often than not, her closet is just a catchall for the good, the bad, and the hideously, horribly ugly trends of yesteryear.

Well, mom, folks at the BBC says your style reserve might not be a big waste-of-space after all.  A recent article chronicles the recycling of fashion, hypothesizing that a formula of fashion trends, ”Laver’s Law,” is in play.   According to the article, a trend starts off and by the time it reaches the masses, designers have already moved on.  Everyone else soon follows, and then the style ”goes through stages of being ridiculed and worn ironically” until forgotten.  Years later, the style can be ”rediscovered” by being refreshed.  So, now comes my new project: destroying every pair of Crocs known to humanity so that they never need to be reinvented!

Image courtesy of BBC’s ”The life style of a fashion trend” article.

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