In time for this Sunday’s International Women’s Day (woot, woot!), London agency WCRS has teamed up with Women’s Aid and Ocean Outdoor for a state-of-the-art campaign against domestic violence. Using digital billboards with facial recognition technology, they’re giving people the power to “heal” the image of a battered woman.
The billboards depict the image of a woman with bruises and a bloody lip. When passers-by heed the message “Look at me” by simply looking at the screen, their faces are catalogued on the bottom of the image, and the woman’s face is altered. The more people that take notice of the billboard, the faster her wounds disappear.
In addition, anyone in close proximity to the ads will receive a text with simple directions on how to donate to Women’s Aid.
This campaign is an interactive answer to the issue of the invisibility that surrounds domestic violence by showing people the power in awareness and giving them an opportunity to make change happen. It’s not the only noteworthy anti-domestic violence ad in the news right now; the powerful image from the Salvation Army is biting, and people are certainly taking note. Awareness and visibility are key to eradicating domestic violence. The time to stop it is now.
Watch the video below, and donate to women’s day here.
Women’s Aid from Ocean Outdoor on Vimeo.