“23 Trends Guys Hate” Is Most Moronic Thing You Will Read All Day

by Katie Fustich


Today, the Huffington Post brought us a lovely dollop of wisdom in the form of men sharing which women’s clothing trends they hate the most. Gee, what a thought-provoking and completely valid discussion! I sure do love thinking about all of the women and girls who will forsake their personal style after reading about how some douchebag thinks peplum tops look like maternity wear!

Let’s take a look at a few of the especially imbecilic gems the menfolk of the internet had to share. As you can imagine, they are all highly valid and well-thought out points…

Oh ho ho…buddy, I’m sorry but with that attitude you really don’t have to worry about ever getting close enough to a woman’s mouth and risking potential lipstick contact.

Yes, look at all of those outfits. None of them are sublte in the least. I mean, is that Lady Gaga in the middle? Is that high-waisted skirt going to start spewing foam, Katy Perry-style? Tell me, men, TELL ME!!!

Boring and predictable, huh? Wait…but if I spice it up with oh, say, a high-waisted skirt I’ll be trying to hard?

Well, it really couldn’t be a discourse between self-important men without something revolving around a penis, huh?

And you’re an asshole. Case closed.

Read the rest of them HERE, if you think you can stomach it.


All photos via Huffington Post (originally from Lookbook)

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