The average woman earns about 81 percent of what the average man doing the same job makes. Although we’ve made great strides in the last 25 years, the recent recession hasn’t helped decrease the pay gap. A recent study by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that women are paid more than men in only two full-time job fields. Business Insider used the BLS’s report to determine what American jobs have the largest pay gaps.
They discovered that jobs in sales are not so hospitable to female workers; on average women in the field make only 62.2 percent of what men make. Following sales, “legal, management, production, and business and financial operations” pay women the least when compared to men. Business Insider cites discrimination, company size, and location as possible factors in determining how woman-friendly a job is. Their list is as follows:
15. Sales Representatives: on average women make 70.8 percent of what men do.
14. First-Line supervisors of production and operating workers: on average women make 70.6 percent of what men do.
13. Financial Managers: on average women make 70.3 percent of what men do.
12.Claims adjusters, appraisers, examiners, and investigators: on average women make 69.3 percent of what men do.
11. Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers: on average women make 69.2 percent of what men do.
10. Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents: on average women make 69.1 percent of what men do.
8 and 9 (tie). Physicians and surgeons and General and operations managers: on average women make 67.6 percent of what men do.
7. Education administrators: on average women make 67.2 percent of what men do.
6. Marketing and sales managers: on average women make 67 percent of what men do
5. Personal financial advisors: on average women make 66.3 percent of what men do.
4. Real estate brokers and sales agents: on average women make 66 percent of what men do.
3. Sales and related workers: on average women make 65.6 percent of what men do.
2. Retail salespersons: on average women make 64.3 percent of what men do.
1. Insurance sales agents: on average women make 62.5 percent of what men do.
Hopefully Business Insider’s report will help put pressure on companies in these industries to close these pay gaps! What do you think are America’s most sexist jobs?
Thanks to Business Insider
Image via Daily Mail