Tasty Tuesday: Matcha Green Tea Pocky

by Emily Robinson

Tuesdays are slowly becoming our favorite day of the week here at BUST for one important reason: Tasty Tuesdays! “We try out weird foods so that you don’t have to!”

In our second installment, we tasted a not so well-known flavor of a favorite snack: Matcha Green Tea Pocky. 



While growing up as a fan of Matcha, I can’t deny that it taste sorta like something that would get stuck to Frodo’s foot while trecking to Middle Earth on his way to Mount Doom, it has a moss-y afterbirth; however I am to Matcha Pocky as Frodo is to Gandalf: bewildered and magically in love. 



Unless you like the taste of sappy tree bark, be prepared to flick your slightly bitten matcha pocky wand and chant “wengardium leviosa,” in the hopes that the bitterness will float off your ill-fated taste buds



Holy f***balls, why did I put that it my mouth? It has a rubbery texture that changes to something like styrofoam when you chew it. I was hoping to add this to my list of things I don’t hate (I’m almost at 50) but Pocky has failed me.



Matcha candy is one of those things that tastes exactly like it looks. That is, a gentle shade of tree frog green. 

The above photo is not an accurate representation of the reviewer eating Matcha Pocky.  


IMO, Matcha is the dark chocolate of the tea world – refined, delicious, and if you don’t like it, I will be judging you. Therefore, I am open minded to the thousands of ways matcha can be transformed into something delicious and still questionably green. Green tea frappuchinos at Starbucks. Deep fried matcha ice cream. OBVIOUSLY, Matcha Pocky. Educate your tastebuds. 


The verdict: not a Pocky for the faint of heart, but recommended for those that like their sweets a little less than sugary. Still willing to try some on your own? Grab a pack or two at your local bodega, or at your local Asian grocery for those not based in NYC, and see you on the next Tasty Tuesday!


Images via asianfoodgrocer.com

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