“You Are My Choice. I Am Not Your Privilege,” Say The Indian Women In This Moving Campaign

by Veronica Santos

My Choice” is a video created as a part of Vogue India’s social awareness campaign, #VogueEmpower, meant to illustrate the choices all women should have over their own lives.

The piece features 99 different Indian women of various ages, backgrounds, and professions—but the powerful message will resonate with women across the world.

My Choice monologue transcript

“My body, my mind, my choice. To wear the clothes I like even as my spirit roams naked. My choice. To be a size 0 or a size 15 they don’t have a size for my spirit, and never will. To use cotton and silk to trap my soul is to believe you can halt the expansion of the universe, or capture sunlight in the palm of your hand. Your mind is caged. Let it free. My body is not. Let it be. My choice. To marry or not to marry, to have sex before marriage, to have sex outside of marriage. To not have sex. My choice. To love temporarily or to lust forever. My choice. To love a man, or a woman, or both. Remember, you are my choice. I’m not your privilege. The bindi on my forehead, the ring on my finger, adding your surname to mine, they’re ornaments. They can be replaced, my love for you cannot. So treasure that.

My choice. To come home when I want. Don’t be upset if I come home at 4 am. Don’t be fooled if I come home at 6 pm. My choice. To have your baby or not. To pick you from 7 billion choices or not. So don’t get cocky. My pleasure may be your pain, my songs your noise, my order your anarchy. Your sins my virtues. My choices are like my fingerprints, they make me unique. I am the tree not the forest, I am the snowflake not the snow fall. You are the snowflake.

Wake up. Get out of the shit storm. I choose to empathize or to be indifferent. I choose to be different. I am the universe, infinite in every direction. This… is my choice.”

Image from www.dekhnews.com

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