Wise Words From Dame Vivienne

by Web Intern


Ah, Vivienne Westwood. I may not always agree with you (Pam Anderson, really?), but I defend your right to the death to be fabulously eccentric. The Guardian has compiled a list of some of her most notable quotables throughout her career. Some of my favorites:

After losing an Armani contract

In Italy they take cheap cloth and make it look expensive, but I take expensive cloth and make it look cheap. They just don’t understand (1986)

On her shop ‘SEX’ in Chelsea

We wanted to create a feeling of being inside a womb, but in a sort of sex torture chamber (1994)

Arriving at her studio with ripped stockings

I was taken on the bed by Andreas this morning. Don’t you love this look? (1994)

On fashion

Fashion is about eventually becoming naked (1991)

Photo Courtesy of Team Junk -Celeste 

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