What We Learned at Craft Camp: Embroidery and Tim Gunn’s Sweaty Hands

by Lan Truong

Over 100 crafty people got together and made cool shit all day long this past Saturday at Brooklyn Craft Camp. The brainchild of DIY extraordinaire and author Brett Bara, Brooklyn Craft Camp brought together loads of makers for an entire day of crafting, and a plain ol’ good time.

Enjoying a delish donut from Peter Pan Bakery before the crafting begins.

Embroidering with Jessica Marquez


Campers got to take four 90-minute classes (printmaking, embroidery, terrarium making, and knitting are just a handful of the classes that were available), all taught by a talented—and very patient—team of professional crafters, designers, and authors. The classes were small enough so that the instructors were able to give one-on-one assistance if needed to, say, the gal who was taking her first stab at embroidery that day.

Making crepe paper flowers with Kayte Terry.


Jay McCarroll (!), winner of Project Runway’s Season 1, was the keynote speaker. He talked about how his mother made his high school’s band uniforms, his love for lamé and all things shiny, and his appreciation for crafts and handmade things. He also dished about Tim Gunn, revealing that Mr. Gunn has very sweaty hands. 

Check out more photos of Brooklyn Craft Camp here, and if you want to find out when the next Brooklyn Craft Camp is, sign up for its newsletter.

And don’t forget, crafty people: there’s only two weeks left to apply for the BUST Magazine Spring Craftacular and Food Fair!

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