Two Swedish Girls Found Guilty of Slut-Shaming 38 People on Instagram

by Mary Grace Garis

So virtual Burn Books are a thing now, apparently.  Kids these days, amirite?

This Tuesday, two Swedish girls (aged 15 and 16 respectively) were found guilty of “aggravated defamation” for slut-shaming 38 of their peers via Instagram.

As early as December, the two were on a lookout for the “worst sluts in Gothenburg,” receiving 1000 suggestions. From there, they published photos (primarily of females) along with cruel comments on their alleged sexual activities. This started riots at at least two high schools.

Hell no, I did not leave Stockholm for this. 

What the actual fuck, guys. When I was 16, slut-shaming wasn’t broadcast in such a vicious ways, like an industry of shit-talk and slander. It was more like, people in the next town over myspace messaging your boyfriend’s friend and being all, “What’s So-and-So’s girlfriend like? I heard she was a slut.” Not that that ever happened to me. And that I’m bitter about it still. Six years later. 

Moving right along, if I have any regrets from my teen years, it’s that I wish I hadn’t quickly condemned the sex lives – or ALLEGED sex lives, because in this world wearing a tank top makes you a “slut” – of my peers. We all watch (and love) Mean Girls, but it takes a while for the message of it to really sink in. And that is, calling other girls sluts doesn’t make you better, it just makes it easier for guys to do it. And then EVERY woman (or girl) is under this scrutiny, and it’s bullshit. We really need to educate girls at a young age to respect one another, so we can stop this patriarchal cycle.


Long story short, the 15-year-old is going to juvenile detention, the 16-year-old was given 45 hours of community service, they owe their victims thousands of dollars and I hope they’re grounded for-fucking-ever.

Original article via

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