Trump Is Upset Over The Fact That A Woman Played Spicer on SNL

by Jen Pitt

It says a lot about an administration when people immediately wonder how they will respond to the latest Saturday Night Live episode. People were definitely not interviewing Obama about his SNL caricatures, and he definitely was not tweeting about them, probably because he was preoccupied with developing a comprehensive health care system and dealing with constant gridlock in Congress.

SNL relented on the Kelly Anne Conway bits this week to make space for new best-parody contender: White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, and his bullish antics which were perfectly performed by Melissa McCarthy.

In the skit, McCarthy treats Trump’s actual words as inventions of the media and holds CNN in a fake news cage in the corner. She deflects all questions about the Muslim ban with inarticulate word circles and shoves “stubborn” journalist with her podium as they simply attempt to ask routine questions, or squirts them with soapy water from her super soaker.

For anyone with a sense of humor, it was a perfect feat of comedy. But not so much for Sean Spicer, who told the L.A Times that, “’Saturday Night Live’ used to be really funny and I think there’s a streak of meanness now that they’ve crossed over into.” The irony is not lost on us, but it is sad that the very guy in charge of language and image would be so thick.

Signing up to be Donald Trump’s mouthpiece is like signing up to be his toilet—yeah you’re technically part of the White House but your whole job is to eat a lot of shit. The shit he is taking now from Trump is Trump’s chagrin at the sketch—not because it clearly draws attention to the egregious faults and delusions of the new administration but because Sean Spicer was played by a woman. Meaning? Bad.

A major donor told Politico, “Trump doesn’t like his people to look weak,” which is one of the most openly sexist comments he has made since his since winning the election. A strange comment too considering he dotes on his daughter Ivanka as titan of industry and has used Kelly Anne Conway as a shield. Weak, huh?

In The Washington Post, Chris Cilliza cites an Axios report:“Unfortunately for Spicer, Trump is obsessed with his press secretary’s performance art. Our Jonathan Swan hears that Trump hasn’t been impressed with how Spicer dresses, once asking an aide: ‘Doesn’t the guy own a dark suit?’”

Donald Trump is no Kennedy himself with his rabid tongue of a red tie and his Tang tan, so he’s not exactly the best-placed to critique the groomings of others. That aside—Spicer’s appearance isn’t the point! Trump has a strange obsession with optics. Nevermind that his cabinet are presenting #alternativefacts on live TV— they better be doing it in a dark suit. And if they must be mocked, let it at least be by men.

McCarthy didn’t make Spicer look weak because she was a woman. She made him look weak because he is Trump’s lying, word-twisting, can’t-take-criticism mouthpiece.

If there were a McCarthy-Spicer showdown, Melissa would pulverize him.

Image: Still from SNL sketch

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