Things To Know About The GOP’s Female Presidential Frontrunner


Having more female politicians is not simply a numbers game, as we have learned from Margaret Thatcher and Sarah Palin. Simply being a woman is not the only factor in being a female positive politician. In the case of potential GOP presidential candidate, Carly Fiorina, there are some policies that are a little concerning.

Fiorina opposes abortion, except in the cases of rape, incest, or threat to the mother’s life. In an interview with SFGates she revealed that part of her reasoning for that was her own inability to have biological children and the fact that her mother-in-law was told to abort her son but did not. During her speech at the Heritage Foundation, she said that science proves life begins at conception and that liberals are hypocrites to want to protect wildlife, but not life in the womb.

She also supported Prop 8—the same-sex marriage ban in California—and believes that voters should decide on the issue not the judicial system. She reiterated that during an interview with the Christian Post, “This is an important conversation that is going on in homes, churches, and communities across the country. I think that the worst thing the Supreme Court can do right now is shortcut this conversation.”

More positively, she supports the DREAM Act, which would help undocumented students in America. In her first debate against Sen. Barbara Boxer she said, “I would support the DREAM Act because I do not believe that we can punish children who through no fault of their own are here trying to live the American dream.” But she doesn’t support granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Fiorina is a Conservative and a stanch Christian who brings those values into her politics and as her campaign progresses it will be interesting to see if she will attempt to be more moderate or stand on her principals. It would be ground breaking to have two women running for President of the United States, but in the end it has to be about which woman will be better for preserving the rights of people in this country, than just having a female president. 

Image c/o Jim Young

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