The Web Series You’ll Be Glad We Told You About

by Michelle Beiter

I’m not sure what it is, but I have a very deep love for entertainment that features a woman somewhat hopelessly trying to float amid the wreckage of her totally normal life–and if she’s just barely keeping her head above water, I fall in love within thirty seconds.

I always find myself more inspired by less-than-inspiring portrayals of women’s lives. When shows depict women that make it to work every single day no more than five minutes late with perfect hair, make-up, and completely free of coffee stains, or women who are just barely 25 and have more money than Rockefeller without a single near-disastrous financial episode in their backstory, I get b-o-r-e-d. Comedic interludes meant to water down a woman character’s experience waters down the show’s integrity for me. Why?
I am tired of fantastical portrayals of women.  I never was, never will be, and never knew in real life a perfectly together women because life is full of shit that will blow the hairspray out of your hair, steal the cheap punch line giggle out of your breath, and drain your bank account no matter how detailed your I-watched-Suze-Orman-once budget is. Real life will stain your shirt just because it feels like it. Real life doesn’t care that you forgot your Tide-To-Go pen, and left your debit card under the make-up brushes on your dresser. I want a show that will tell those stories, and Becky Yamamoto’s new web series, “Uninspired,” does exactly that. 

The episode is short, so I won’t give anything away, but I will say that I feel pleasantly refreshed by Yamamoto’s comedy. Much of it is embedded in cues within her dialogue that make you smile and think “God damn it, same!” Take a look at the first episode here:

The moan Yamamoto’s character releases after being denied and then provided wine at or around 11am, is a release of emotion I can identify with on a molecular level.

The series will begin releasing episodes regularly after Feb 20th, so don’t forget to save Yamamoto’s website in your bookmark bar, and start tuning in next week! Happy Viewing, and let us know what you think!

Images via

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